digital surface model: The DSM represents surface elevations such as the height of vegetation and buildings. Water bodies can introduce noise. For North, Benson, and Polovina beaches, we manually delineated the ocean boundary to restrict the DSM to the land. For the city DSM, we did not remove water areas because the model includes rocky islets and shallow underwater features of interest (most notably the submerged groins at the northwest breakwater). We filtered the dense cloud to remove low confidence points (most often water surfaces) and prioritize seafloor elevation. However, we do not expect absolute seafloor elevation to be as accurate as above-water features. The DSM is a single-band, 32-bit floating point GeoTIFF file with the "No Data" value set to -3.4028231 x 10^38. orthoimagery: The orthoimagery is a three-band (red, green, blue) 8-bit unsigned GeoTIFF file with the "No Data" value set to 0. GSD varies by location, cee the accompanying report for details.
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We thank the Aleut Community of Saint Paul Island for funding and supporting the creation of these data products.
The orthoimagery and elevation data are for assessing coastal hazards and changes on Saint Paul Island.
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This report, map, and/or dataset is available directly from the State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (see contact information below).Use_Constraints:Any hard copies or published datasets utilizing these datasets shall clearly indicate their source. If the user has modified the data in any way, the user is obligated to describe the types of modifications the user has made. The user specifically agrees not to misrepresent these datasets, nor to imply that changes made by the user were approved by the State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys. The State of Alaska makes no express or implied warranties (including warranties for merchantability and fitness) with respect to the character, functions, or capabilities of the electronic data or products or their appropriateness for any user's purposes. In no event will the State of Alaska be liable for any incidental, indirect, special, consequential, or other damages suffered by the user or any other person or entity whether from the use of the electronic services or products or any failure thereof or otherwise. In no event will the State of Alaska's liability to the Requestor or anyone else exceed the fee paid for the electronic service or product.
The State of Alaska makes no expressed or implied warranties (including warranties for merchantability and fitness) with respect to the character, functions, or capabilities of the electronic data or products or their appropriateness for any user's purposes. In no event will the State of Alaska be liable for any incidental, indirect, special, consequential, or other damages suffered by the user or any other person or entity whether from the use of the electronic services or products or any failure thereof or otherwise. In no event will the State of Alaska's liability to the Requestor or anyone else exceed the fee paid for the electronic service or product.
Data format: | digital surface model and orthoimagery in format orthoimage |
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