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start:meetingnotes [2020/03/11 17:49]
start:meetingnotes [2021/01/20 03:05]
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 ======Meeting Notes====== ======Meeting Notes======
 +=====Note 1/19/2021=====
 +Please see all of the meeting recordings at [[start:resources|Resources]]. There are not specific meeting notes for most recent meetings that have been recorded.
 +=====January 11, 2021=====
 +Notes include answers to questions about using basemaps in GeMS map packages and a round-robin discussion of what states are currently using for basemaps. Notes: [[]]
 +=====May 11, 2020=====
 +Don Sweetkind, USGS presented 3D issues related to the new NGMDB Phase 3 initiative, such as efforts to inventory 3D geologic models within the USGS and efforts to create National-scale (contiguous US) subsurface horizons, as well as some of his work as examples. Recording: [[]] Attendees: 36 people from about 13 states/agencies.
 +=====April 13, 2020=====
 +CDEFG Session 1 about 3D mapping and databases. Mark Yacucci from the Illinois State Geological Survey demo'd one of their 3D models and how they morph it to their online cross section viewer [[]]; [[]]. [[ CDEFG_13_Apr_2020.pptx|Mike Hendricks discussed]] how the Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys has added layer information to the GeMS schema for geologic polygons, and potentially for faults and contacts, to model stacked units. Recording: [[ presentations_by_Illinois_and_Alaska-20200413_1807-1.mp4]]
 =====March 9, 2020===== =====March 9, 2020=====
 Dave Soller described the new push for the National Geologic Map Database's Phase 3 and possible funding opportunities to help the effort. Please contact Dave at <> if you have ideas about how your state could contribute. Recording: [[’s_Phase_Three_and_related_upcoming_opportunities-20200309_1809-1.mp4]] Dave Soller described the new push for the National Geologic Map Database's Phase 3 and possible funding opportunities to help the effort. Please contact Dave at <> if you have ideas about how your state could contribute. Recording: [[’s_Phase_Three_and_related_upcoming_opportunities-20200309_1809-1.mp4]]
 =====February 10, 2020===== =====February 10, 2020=====
-At this meeting, DGGS gave a brief update presentation of recent GeMS database work, and we discussed a few tools for diagramming geodatabases in Esri products. We also went "round robin" around the various attendees and folks described where they are in GeMS implementation, current projects, and related needs and concerns. Recording: [[]]+At this meeting, DGGS gave a brief update [[|presentation]] of recent GeMS database work, and we discussed a few tools for diagramming geodatabases in Esri products. We also went "round robin" around the various attendees and folks described where they are in GeMS implementation, current projects, and related needs and concerns. Recording: [[]]
 =====January 13, 2020===== =====January 13, 2020=====
 Folks implementing GeMS posed questions about the best way to create a Glossary with minimal effort. Some states are interested in creating a Glossary resource that we can all pull from. Jen Athey volunteered to compile GeMS Glossaries and make the definitions available. Please feel free to send what you have so far to <> to be added to this resource. Recording: [[ ]] Folks implementing GeMS posed questions about the best way to create a Glossary with minimal effort. Some states are interested in creating a Glossary resource that we can all pull from. Jen Athey volunteered to compile GeMS Glossaries and make the definitions available. Please feel free to send what you have so far to <> to be added to this resource. Recording: [[ ]]
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 Thank you! Thank you!
 Evan Evan
 +=====October 7, 2019===== 
 +AK DGGS [[|presented]] an overview of work to date on the enterprise multi-map database and system. Recording: 
 +=====September 3, 2019===== 
 +Joe Colgan, USGS and team members presented their FEDMAP project and geologic map database, "Geologic Framework of the Intermountain West." Recording: 
 +=====August 12, 2019===== 
 +AK DGGS staff [[|presented]] a project update and future work. 
 +=====May 13, 2019===== 
 +Jen Athey, AK DGGS presented a [[|preview]] of her 2019 Digital Mapping Techniques talk and showed a [[|demo]] of DGGS' multi-map database implementation. Mike Hendricks previewed his [[|presentation]] on incorporating geologic layers in GeMS. [[|More information]] 
 +=====March 11, 2019===== 
 +AK DGGS presentation included general CDEFG project update, topological lessons learned, and [[|information on geological surfaces]] (surficial, bedrock, basement, other), responses from geological surveys about how they handle bedrock and surficial units on maps, possible database solutions, and tweaks to the draft database model. [[|Minutes and files]] 
 +=====February 11, 2019===== 
 +Meeting included presentation by Esri on Data Reviewer and a [[|presentation]] by Jen Athey, AK DGGS on bedrock and surficial map data in a multi-map database. Recording: [[|More information]] 
 +=====January 14, 2019===== 
 +Meeting about the multi-map database GeMS feature classes and attributes to discuss potential adds/deletes to the schema. Feedback during the meeting was collected in this [[|document]]. [[|More information]]