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start [2020/06/11 16:42]
jeathey [Collaborative Database Effort for Geology]
start [2021/04/23 16:57]
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-Telecons or Webex will usually be held the 2nd Monday of the month. <color #ed1c24>**The next meeting is tentatively scheduled for __Monday, July 6 or August 10, 2020, 2pm ET__.**</color>+Telecons or Webex will usually be held the 2nd Monday of the month. <color #ed1c24>**The next meeting is scheduled for __Monday, May 10, 2021, 2pm ET__.**</color>
-Please note DMT'20 will be held as a video conference from June 8-10. Topics will concentrate on GeMS implementation and other issues related to the NGMDB Phase Three initiative.+Agenda 
 +  * Introductions and comments 
 +  * Presentations: 
 +       * Jordan Hastings, UC Santa Barbara, will present his GeMS-in-Excel development: proof-of-concept for doing the *entire* construction of a geologic map in Excel, independent of GIS 
 +       * Evan Thoms, USGS will present his thoughts on many-to-many relationships in GeMS 
 +       * Andrew Zaffos, Arizona Geological Survey, will show the pilot version of their GeMS ArcPro toolbar 
 +  * Next meeting date tentatively July 12, 2021! Topic TBA(Note, DMT'21 June 7-10)
 __Table of Contents__ __Table of Contents__