High-resolution lidar data for the Whittier area, Passage Canal, and Portage Lake, Alaska

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What does this data set describe?

High-resolution lidar data for the Whittier area, Passage Canal, and Portage Lake, Alaska
In support of geologic mapping and hazards evaluation in and near Whittier, Alaska, the Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS) acquired, and is making publicly available, lidar (light detection and ranging) data for an area along Passage Canal, Portage Lake, and Portage Glacier Highway. The lidar data, acquired and processed by Watershed Sciences, Inc. (WSI) consist of continuous coverage encompassing an area extending from Portage Lake eastward to Logging Company Bay in Passage Canal in the Seward D-4, D-5, and D-6 1:63,360-scale quadrangles. Lidar data collected below 1,600 ft (488 m) elevation have a minimum average pulse density of 8 pulses/square meter; above 1,600 ft (488 m) data were collected with an average pulse density of at least 4 pulses/square meter. Following lidar data collection and processing by WSI and their survey subcontractor, McClintock Land Associates, WSI submitted the data to the State of Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries (DOGAMI) for independent quality control analysis. After addressing any concerns from DOGAMI, WSI submitted the revised dataset to DGGS along with a technical report describing details about the lidar acquisition, accuracy, and quality. DOGAMI also provided a separate report summarizing their methodologies and the results of quality control checks.
This metadata file was written to document and describe, as a whole, all the lidar data products generated for this project. It provides a brief overview to the data acquisition, processing, and quality control steps utilized by DGGS contractors and subcontractors. Watershed Sciences, Inc. has associated additional metadata (via ArcGIS) with many of the distribution files. The metadata fields populated by WSI are viewable via ArcCatalog and may include additional useful information that is specific to each individual file. However, WSI metadata has not been reviewed by DGGS/DOGAMI to ensure accuracy and completeness. We encourage users to review the delivery and quality control reports provided by Watershed Sciences, Inc. and DOGAMI for a comprehensive discussion of their processes. These reports can be found on the citation page for this publication. The DGGS metadata standard extends the FGDC standard to include elements that are required to facilitate our internal data management. These elements, referred to as "layers," group and describe files that have intrinsic logical or topological relationships. Attribute information for the layers (entity) is included in this metadata file under the "Entity_and_Attribute_Information" section. The layers are titled:
Point-cloud data - all returns - classified:	Classified (ASPRS standard) lidar attributes for all returns 
Point-cloud data - ground returns - classified:	Classified (ASPRS standard) lidar attributes for ground returns 
LAS index file:	Vector data which serves as the index illustrating the spatial location of point cloud (LAS) bin delineation 
Raster index:	Vector data which displays the project boundary 
Hydro-flattened waterbody polygons:	Vector data depicting water bodies (includes lakes, canals and rivers) 
Bare-earth digital terrain models:	A model depicting the earth's surface with all vegetation and human-made structures removed 
Highest-hit digital surface models:	A model depicting the earth's surface with all vegetation and human-made structures included 
Vegetation digital surface models:	A model depicting the above-ground height of the vegetation 
Lidar intensity images:	A grayscale image, similar to an orthophoto, which displays 0-255 grayscale values according to the relative reflectivity (based on lidar return intensity) of objects on the ground 
Hillshade images:	A grayscale image model created from the bare-earth digital elevation models. It is meant to mimic the hypothetical illumination of the surface according to a specified azimuth and altitude for the sun
  1. How should this data set be cited?

    Hubbard, T.D., Wolken, G.J., Stevens, D.S.P., and Combellick, R.A., 2013, High-resolution lidar data for the Whittier area, Passage Canal, and Portage Lake, Alaska: Raw Data File RDF 2013-3, Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, Fairbanks, AK, USA.

    Online Links:

    Other_Citation_Details: 5 p.

  2. What geographic area does the data set cover?

    West_Bounding_Coordinate: -148.883498
    East_Bounding_Coordinate: -148.407257
    North_Bounding_Coordinate: 60.879156
    South_Bounding_Coordinate: 60.757840

  3. What does it look like?

  4. Does the data set describe conditions during a particular time period?

    Calendar_Date: 2012
    Currentness_Reference: ground condition

  5. What is the general form of this data set?

  6. How does the data set represent geographic features?

    1. How are geographic features stored in the data set?

    2. What coordinate system is used to represent geographic features?

      Grid_Coordinate_System_Name: Universal Transverse Mercator
      UTM_Zone_Number: 6
      Scale_Factor_at_Central_Meridian: 0.999600
      Longitude_of_Central_Meridian: -147
      Latitude_of_Projection_Origin: 0
      False_Easting: 500000.000000
      False_Northing: 0

      Planar coordinates are encoded using coordinate pair
      Abscissae (x-coordinates) are specified to the nearest 0.000001
      Ordinates (y-coordinates) are specified to the nearest 0.000001
      Planar coordinates are specified in meters

      The horizontal datum used is North American Datum of 1983.
      The ellipsoid used is North American Datum of 1983.
      The semi-major axis of the ellipsoid used is 6378137.
      The flattening of the ellipsoid used is 1/298.257222101.

      Altitude_Datum_Name: North American Vertical Datum of 1988
      Altitude_Resolution: 0.0000001
      Altitude_Distance_Units: meters
      Altitude_Encoding_Method: Attribute values

  7. How does the data set describe geographic features?

    Data type: Point-cloud data - all returns - classified; Description: Classified (ASPRS standard) lidar attributes for all returns; File format: LAS v 1.2 (Source: Watershed Sciences, Inc.)

    Data type: Point-cloud data - ground returns - classified; Description: Classified (ASPRS standard) lidar attributes for ground returns; File format: LAS v 1.2 (Source: Watershed Sciences, Inc.)

    Data type: LAS index; Description: Vector data which serves as the index illustrating the spatial location of point cloud (LAS) bin delineation; File format: Shapefile (Source: Watershed Sciences, Inc.)

    Bin identification (Source: Watershed Sciences, Inc.)

    Sequential alpha numeric values that were automatically generated to uniquely identify each LAS bin

    Data type: Raster index; Description: Vector data which displays the raster file boundaries; File format: Shapefile (Source: Watershed Sciences, Inc.)

    Raster file identifier (Source: Watershed Sciences, Inc., Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, USGS)

    Project boundaries and encompassing USGS 1:63360 quadrangles define the extent of each raster file. USGS quadrangle names (case may vary) are used in this file and throughout the publication to indicate the spatial location of individual raster files.

    Data type: Hydro-flattened waterbody polygons (includes lakes, canals and rivers); Description: Vector data depicting water bodies; File format: Shapefile (Source: Watershed Sciences, Inc.)

    Elevation (meters above sea level) (Source: Watershed Sciences, Inc.)

    Range of values
    Units:meters above sea level

    type or name of waterbody (Source: Watershed Sciences, Inc.)

    Island in Riverpolygon which displays the extent and location of an island in a river
    Lakepolygon which displays the extent and location of a lake
    Passage Canalpolygon which displays the extent and location of Passage Canal
    Riverpolygon which displays the extent and location of a river

    Data type: Bare-earth digital terrain models; Description: A model depicting the earth's surface with all vegetation and human-made structures removed; File format: Esri GRID (Source: Watershed Sciences, Inc.)

    Data type: Highest-hit digital surface models; Description: A model depicting the earth's surface with all vegetation and human-made structures included; File format: Esri GRID (Source: Watershed Sciences, Inc.)

    Data type: Vegetation digital surface models; Description: A model depicting the above-ground height of the vegetation; File format: Esri GRID (Source: Watershed Sciences, Inc.)

    Data type: Lidar intensity images; Description: A grayscale image, similar to an orthophoto, which displays 0-255 grayscale values according to the relative reflectivity (based on lidar return intensity) of objects on the ground; File format: GeoTIFF (Source: Watershed Sciences, Inc.)

    Data type: Hillshade images; Description: A grayscale image model created from the bare-earth digital elevation models. It is meant to mimic the hypothetical illumination of the surface according to a specified azimuth and altitude for the sun; File format: GeoTIFF (Source: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS))

Who produced the data set?

  1. Who are the originators of the data set? (may include formal authors, digital compilers, and editors)

  2. Who also contributed to the data set?

    Financial support for this work came from State of Alaska capital-project funding. The authors are grateful for support from several staff members of the Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys. Jim Weakland helped process data and create the hillshade images; Lauren Southerland helped organize the data for distribution; Susan Seitz created the programming by which the data are offered online; Simone Montayne assisted with metadata; and Ken Woods manages data on the server.

  3. To whom should users address questions about the data?

    Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys
    Attn: James Weakland
    GIS Analyst
    3354 College Road
    Fairbanks, AK 99709-3707

    (907)451-5029 (voice)

    Hours_of_Service: 8 am to 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday, except State holidays

Why was the data set created?

In support of geologic mapping and hazards evaluation in and near Whittier, Alaska, the Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS) acquired, and is making publicly available, lidar (light detection and ranging) data for an area along Passage Canal, Portage Lake, and Portage Glacier Highway. Data will serve multiple purposes but were primarily collected to map geology and evaluate potential geologic hazards. Steep slopes with poor access, combined with dense vegetation and a thick moss ground-cover that obscures the bedrock surface, make the use of lidar one of the most effective ways to map the geology and evaluate unstable slopes and other hazards.

How was the data set created?

  1. From what previous works were the data drawn?

  2. How were the data generated, processed, and modified?

    Date: 2012 (process 1 of 12)
    Data acquisition and processing - This lidar dataset was collected and processed by WSI and their survey subcontractor, McClintock Land Associates (October 21-25, 2012). WSI has provided a delivery report which outlines in detail their data acquisition procedures, processing methods, and results of all accuracy assessments. The delivery report is available on the citation page for this publication.

    Date: 2012 (process 2 of 12)
    Quality control - WSI submitted the data to the State of Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries (DOGAMI) for independent quality control analysis. After addressing any concerns from DOGAMI, WSI submitted the revised data set to DGGS along with a technical report describing details about the lidar acquisition, accuracy, and quality. DOGAMI also provided a separate report summarizing their methodologies and the results of quality control checks.

    Date: 2012 (process 3 of 12)
    Point-cloud data - all returns - classified - Lidar data points were classified (ASPRS standard) through automated point processing algorithms and manual inspection.

    Date: 2012 (process 4 of 12)
    Point-cloud data - ground returns - classified - Lidar data points that were classified as "ground" were extracted to create the ground point data file.

    Date: 2012 (process 5 of 12)
    LAS index file - Polygons were generated to depict the point cloud (LAS) bin numbering scheme.

    Date: 2012 (process 6 of 12)
    Raster index - Polygons were generated to depict the raster file boundaries.

    Date: 2012 (process 7 of 12)
    Hydro-flattened waterbody polygons - Automated and manual detection and adjustment techniques were used to identify boundaries (breaklines) and water levels of lakes, canals and rivers.

    Date: 2012 (process 8 of 12)
    Bare-earth digital terrain models - The bare-earth models were derived from the "point-cloud data - ground returns - classified" LAS files using a TIN interpolation. Waterbody polygons were incorporated into the final model and enforced as hard breaklines. The resultant image was exported to a raster format.

    Date: 2012 (process 9 of 12)
    Highest-hit digital surface models - The highest-hit models were derived from the "point-cloud data - all returns - classified" LAS files (noise and withheld classes were excluded) using a TIN interpolation. Waterbody polygons were incorporated into the final model and enforced as hard breaklines. The resultant image was exported to a raster format.

    Date: 2012 (process 10 of 12)
    Vegetation digital surface models - The vegetation models were derived from the "point-cloud data - all returns - classified" LAS files (buildings, human-made structures, noise, and withheld classes were excluded) using a TIN interpolation. Waterbody polygons were incorporated into the final model and enforced as hard breaklines. The resultant image was exported to a raster format.

    Date: 2012 (process 11 of 12)
    Lidar intensity images - The lidar intensity values of ground points were symbolized (0-255 grayscale) according to their relative intensity values. The resultant image was exported to a raster format.

    Date: 2012 (process 12 of 12)
    Hillshade images - Hillshade images were created from the bare-earth models using functionality in GIS software.

  3. What similar or related data should the user be aware of?

    Staff, DGGS, 2013, Engineering Geology FY13 project descriptions: Annual Report AR 2012-C, Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, Fairbanks, AK, USA.

    Online Links:

    Other_Citation_Details: p. 43-55

How reliable are the data; what problems remain in the data set?

  1. How well have the observations been checked?

    LiDAR flight lines have been examined to ensure that there was at least 60% sidelap, there are no gaps between flight-lines, and overlapping flight-lines have consistent elevation values. Shaded relief images have been visually inspected for data errors such as pits, border artifacts, gaps, and shifting. The data was examined at a 1:2000 scale. WSI submitted the data to the State of Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries (DOGAMI) for independent quality control analysis. After addressing any concerns from DOGAMI, WSI submitted the revised data set to DGGS along with a technical report describing details about the lidar acquisition, accuracy, and quality. DOGAMI also provided a separate report summarizing their methodologies and the results of quality control checks. Both reports are available via the DGGS website.

  2. How accurate are the geographic locations?

    Horizontal accuracy is regarded as a product of the lidar ground footprint. Lidar is referenced to co-acquired GPS base station data that have accuracies far greater than the value of the lidar footprint. The ground footprint is equal to 1/3333rd of the above - ground flying height. The ground footprint for data collected for this project exceeds typical accuracy of ground control used to reference the lidar data (less than 0.01 meters). Project specifications require the lidar footprint to be between 0.15 and 0.40 meters. The values, tests, and processing methods used by WSI and DOGAMI to ensure relative accuracy are described in the accompanying delivery and quality control reports.

  3. How accurate are the heights or depths?

    Vertical accuracy was assessed by comparing GPS survey collected by McClintock Land Associates with lidar digital elevation models to expose offsets. Quality control analysis performed by DOGAMI indicate that the data complies with project specifications (maximum root mean square vertical offset - 0.20 meters). Please see the lidar QC report and lidar delivery report for statistics from vertical accuracy analysis.

  4. Where are the gaps in the data? What is missing?

    The pulse density distribution varies throughout the study area. Areas below 1,600 feet in elevation, including the City of Whittier, were collected at a higher pulse density (greater or equal to 8 pulses/square meter), with areas above 1,600 feet in elevation collected at greater than or equal to 4 pulses/square meter. The WSI delivery report provides additional information about the lidar pulse density and distribution. Real time kinematic ground survey data (used for absolute vertical adjustment) is available in Appendix A of the delivery report. Aircraft flight-lines (trajectory files) were supplied to DOGAMI for quality control but are not included as a component of this publication.

  5. How consistent are the relationships among the observations, including topology?

    Data consistency varies slightly throughout the project area with higher errors in areas of steep terrain. The tests and processing methods used by WSI and DOGAMI to ensure data consistency are described in the accompanying delivery and quality control reports.

How can someone get a copy of the data set?

Are there legal restrictions on access or use of the data?

This report, map, and/or dataset is available directly from the State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (see contact information below).
Any hard copies or published datasets utilizing these datasets shall clearly indicate their source. If the user has modified the data in any way, the user is obligated to describe the types of modifications the user has made. The user specifically agrees not to misrepresent these datasets, nor to imply that changes made by the user were approved by the State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys. The State of Alaska makes no express or implied warranties (including warranties for merchantability and fitness) with respect to the character, functions, or capabilities of the electronic data or products or their appropriateness for any user's purposes. In no event will the State of Alaska be liable for any incidental, indirect, special, consequential, or other damages suffered by the user or any other person or entity whether from the use of the electronic services or products or any failure thereof or otherwise. In no event will the State of Alaska's liability to the Requestor or anyone else exceed the fee paid for the electronic service or product.

  1. Who distributes the data set? (Distributor 1 of 1)

    Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys
    3354 College Road
    Fairbanks, AK 99709-3707

    (907)451-5020 (voice)
    (907)451-5050 (FAX)

    Hours_of_Service: 8 am to 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday, except State holidays
    Please view our website (<http://www.dggs.alaska.gov>) for the latest information on available data. Please contact us using the e-mail address provided above when possible.
  2. What's the catalog number I need to order this data set?

    RDF 2013-3

  3. What legal disclaimers am I supposed to read?

    The State of Alaska makes no expressed or implied warranties (including warranties for merchantability and fitness) with respect to the character, functions, or capabilities of the electronic data or products or their appropriateness for any user's purposes. In no event will the State of Alaska be liable for any incidental, indirect, special, consequential, or other damages suffered by the user or any other person or entity whether from the use of the electronic services or products or any failure thereof or otherwise. In no event will the State of Alaska's liability to the Requestor or anyone else exceed the fee paid for the electronic service or product.

  4. How can I download or order the data?

Who wrote the metadata?

Last modified: 18-Jun-2013
Metadata author:
Metadata manager
3354 College Road
Fairbanks, AK 99709-3707

(907)451-5020 (voice)

Metadata standard:
FGDC Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata (FGDC-STD-001-1998)
Metadata extensions used:

Generated by mp version 2.9.21 on Tue Jun 18 13:11:19 2013