anwr_arc boundary of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge bedding_point lineaments and bedding planes cleavage_point strike and dip of bedding cleavage estbed_point estimated bedding planes joints_point joints newsagcomp_polygon comprehensive geologic units sagbed_arc geologic bedrock contacts under surficial geology (arc) sagbed_polygon geologic bedrock contacts under surficial geology (polygon) sagd-holes_point locations of industry-drilled test wells sagfold_arc fold axis (anticline or syncline) traces (arc) sagfold_point fold axis (anticline or syncline) traces (point) sagstr_arc fault contacts
Reifenstuhl, R.R., Mull, C.G., Harris, E.E., LePain, D.L., Pinney, D.S., and Wallace, W.K., 2000, Geological map of the Sagavanirktok B-1 Quadrangle, eastern North Slope, Alaska: Report of Investigation RI 2000-1A, State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, Fairbanks, AK.Online Links:
Planar coordinates are encoded using coordinate pair
Abscissae (x-coordinates) are specified to the nearest 0.000032
Ordinates (y-coordinates) are specified to the nearest 0.000032
Planar coordinates are specified in meters
The horizontal datum used is D_Clarke_1866.
The ellipsoid used is Clarke 1866.
The semi-major axis of the ellipsoid used is 6378206.400000.
The flattening of the ellipsoid used is 1/294.978698.
Unique sample number designated by the author(s)
Unique sample number designated by the author(s).
"y" - The point is printed or shown on the Geological map of the Sagavanirktok B-1 Quadrangle, eastern North Slope, Alaska (Publication RI2000-1A-SH1). "n" - The point is not printed or shown on the Geological map of the Sagavanirktok B-1 Quadrangle, eastern North Slope, Alaska (Publication RI2000-1A-SH1). A value of "n" may indicate that a duplicate value was measured nearby or the point was simply omitted at the discretion of the author(s).
"y" - The point is printed or shown on the Geological map of the Sagavanirktok B-1 Quadrangle, eastern North Slope, Alaska (Publication RI2000-1A-SH1). "n" - The point is not printed or shown on the Geological map of the Sagavanirktok B-1 Quadrangle, eastern North Slope, Alaska (Publication RI2000-1A-SH1). A value of "n" may indicate that a duplicate value was measured nearby or the point was simply omitted at the discretion of the author(s).
Range of values | |
Minimum: | 0 |
Maximum: | 351 |
Units: | degrees |
Range of values | |
Minimum: | 0 |
Maximum: | 88 |
Units: | degrees |
"u" - It was undecided whether or not the top of the bed could be identified from bedding features. "Y" - The top of the bed could be identified from bedding features. "N" - The top of the bed could not be identified from bedding features. "Y?" - The top of the bed was likely identified from bedding features.
Value | Definition |
1 | Strike and dip |
2 | Strike and dip, approximate |
3 | Strike and dip of beds |
4 | Strike and dip, overturned |
7 | Bearing of lineation |
27 | Overturned anticline |
Range of values | |
Minimum: | 0 |
Maximum: | 358 |
Units: | degrees |
Unique sample number designated by the author(s)
Unique sample number designated by the author(s).
"y" - The point is printed or shown on the Geological map of the Sagavanirktok B-1 Quadrangle, eastern North Slope, Alaska (Publication RI2000-1A-SH1). "n" - The point is not printed or shown on the Geological map of the Sagavanirktok B-1 Quadrangle, eastern North Slope, Alaska (Publication RI2000-1A-SH1). A value of "n" may indicate that a duplicate value was measured nearby or the point was simply omitted at the discretion of the author(s).
"y" - The point is printed or shown on the Geological map of the Sagavanirktok B-1 Quadrangle, eastern North Slope, Alaska (Publication RI2000-1A-SH1). "n" - The point is not printed or shown on the Geological map of the Sagavanirktok B-1 Quadrangle, eastern North Slope, Alaska (Publication RI2000-1A-SH1). A value of "n" may indicate that a duplicate value was measured nearby or the point was simply omitted at the discretion of the author(s).
Range of values | |
Minimum: | 6 |
Maximum: | 352 |
Units: | degrees |
Range of values | |
Minimum: | 18 |
Maximum: | 90 |
Units: | degrees |
Value | Definition |
12 | Strike and dip of bedding cleavage |
Range of values | |
Minimum: | 8 |
Maximum: | 354 |
Units: | degrees |
Range of values | |
Minimum: | 15 |
Maximum: | 359 |
Units: | degrees |
Range of values | |
Minimum: | 65 |
Maximum: | 360 |
Units: | degrees |
Range of values | |
Minimum: | 0 |
Maximum: | 99 |
Units: | degrees |
"y" - The point is printed or shown on the Geological map of the Sagavanirktok B-1 Quadrangle, eastern North Slope, Alaska (Publication RI2000-1A-SH1). "n" - The point is not printed or shown on the Geological map of the Sagavanirktok B-1 Quadrangle, eastern North Slope, Alaska (Publication RI2000-1A-SH1). A value of "n" may indicate that a duplicate value was measured nearby or the point was simply omitted at the discretion of the author(s).
"y" - The point is printed or shown on the Geological map of the Sagavanirktok B-1 Quadrangle, eastern North Slope, Alaska (Publication RI2000-1A-SH1). "n" - The point is not printed or shown on the Geological map of the Sagavanirktok B-1 Quadrangle, eastern North Slope, Alaska (Publication RI2000-1A-SH1). A value of "n" may indicate that a duplicate value was measured nearby or the point was simply omitted at the discretion of the author(s).
"u" - It was undecided whether or not the top of the bed could be identified from bedding features.
Value | Definition |
8 | Horizontal beds |
74 | Estimated bedding |
Range of values | |
Minimum: | 482694.2 |
Maximum: | 499624.9 |
Units: | meters |
Range of values | |
Minimum: | 7682675 |
Maximum: | 7691176 |
Units: | meters |
Range of values | |
Minimum: | 0 |
Maximum: | 350 |
Units: | degrees |
Unique sample number designated by the author(s)
Unique sample number designated by the author(s).
"y" - The point is printed or shown on the Geological map of the Sagavanirktok B-1 Quadrangle, eastern North Slope, Alaska (Publication RI2000-1A-SH1). "n" - The point is not printed or shown on the Geological map of the Sagavanirktok B-1 Quadrangle, eastern North Slope, Alaska (Publication RI2000-1A-SH1). A value of "n" may indicate that a duplicate value was measured nearby or the point was simply omitted at the discretion of the author(s).
"y" - The point is printed or shown on the Geological map of the Sagavanirktok B-1 Quadrangle, eastern North Slope, Alaska (Publication RI2000-1A-SH1). "n" - The point is not printed or shown on the Geological map of the Sagavanirktok B-1 Quadrangle, eastern North Slope, Alaska (Publication RI2000-1A-SH1). A value of "n" may indicate that a duplicate value was measured nearby or the point was simply omitted at the discretion of the author(s).
Range of values | |
Minimum: | 40 |
Maximum: | 195 |
Units: | degrees |
Range of values | |
Minimum: | 50 |
Maximum: | 88 |
Units: | degrees |
Value | Definition |
19 | Strike and dip of joints |
Range of values | |
Minimum: | 75 |
Maximum: | 230 |
Units: | degrees |
Value | Definition |
PMlm | ***Note: The unit label "PMlm" shown in the legend and in the map area on the Geological map of the Sagavanirktok B-1 Quadrangle, eastern North Slope, Alaska (Publication RI2000-1A-SH1) should be labeled as "IPMlm".*** |
PMlu | ***Note: The unit label "PMlu" shown in the legend and in the map area on the Geological map of the Sagavanirktok B-1 Quadrangle, eastern North Slope, Alaska (Publication RI2000-1A-SH1) should be labeled as "IPMlu".*** |
Qu | ***Note: The unit label "Qu" listed in the attribute table "newsagcomp_polygon.shp" with the software-defined attribute/column FID whose values are 211 and 283 should be labeled as "Qa".*** |
lake | lake |
Formal codeset | |
Codeset Name: | RI2000-1_codeset.pdf |
Codeset Source: | Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys <> |
Value | Definition |
0 | hidden line, defines the polygon boundary, but is not displayed on the map for aesthetic purposes |
4 | Bounding box and neatlines |
5 | contact |
7 | contact, inferred |
9 | contact, concealed |
Value | Definition |
PMlm | ***Note: The unit label "PMlm" shown in the legend and in the map area on the Geological map of the Sagavanirktok B-1 Quadrangle, eastern North Slope, Alaska (Publication RI2000-1A-SH1) should be labeled as "IPMlm".*** |
PMlu | ***Note: The unit label "PMlu" shown in the legend and in the map area on the Geological map of the Sagavanirktok B-1 Quadrangle, eastern North Slope, Alaska (Publication RI2000-1A-SH1) should be labeled as "IPMlu".*** |
Qu | ***Note: The unit label "Qu" listed in the attribute table "sagbed_polygon.shp" with the software-defined attribute/column FID whose values are 211 and 283 should be labeled as "Qa".*** |
lake | lake |
Formal codeset | |
Codeset Name: | RI2000-1_codeset.pdf |
Codeset Source: | Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys <> |
Value | Definition |
PMlm | ***Note: The unit label "PMlm" shown in the legend and in the map area on the Geological map of the Sagavanirktok B-1 Quadrangle, eastern North Slope, Alaska (Publication RI2000-1A-SH1) should be labeled as "IPMlm".*** |
PMlu | ***Note: The unit label "PMlu" shown in the legend and in the map area on the Geological map of the Sagavanirktok B-1 Quadrangle, eastern North Slope, Alaska (Publication RI2000-1A-SH1) should be labeled as "IPMlu".*** |
Qu | ***Note: The unit label "Qu" listed in the attribute table "sagbed_polygon.shp" with the software-defined attribute/column FID whose values are 211 and 283 should be labeled as "Qa".*** |
lake | lake |
Formal codeset | |
Codeset Name: | RI2000-1_codeset.pdf |
Codeset Source: | Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys <> |
Value | Definition |
13 | fault, inferred |
35 | fold axis, approximately located |
Value | Definition |
22 | anticline |
23 | syncline |
26 | overturned syncline |
59 | glacial outwash |
75 | anticline, both limbs dipping in the same direction, double arrows on steeper limb. ***Note: the point symbol displayed in the legend for this feature is correct. This feature is incorrectly displayed as a shaded diamond in the map area.*** |
76 | syncline, both limbs dipping in the same direction, double arrows on steeper limb. ***Note: the point symbol displayed in the legend for this feature is correct. This feature is incorrectly displayed as a diagonally half-shaded square in the map area.*** |
77 | anticline, double arrows on steeper limb |
78 | syncline, double arrows on steeper limb |
Value | Definition |
11 | cross section lines |
13 | fault, inferred |
19 | thrust fault, inferred |
Funding for the geologic mapping was provided by the U.S. Geological Survey, National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program, under STATEMAP award number 99HQAG0121 under the NCGM STATEMAP program for FY1999. The views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies, either expressed or implied, of the U.S. Additional Acknowledgments: Map reviewed by R.F. Swenson and M.T. Whalen. Electronic cartography by A.G. Sturmann and B.G. Gage.
(907) 451-5029 (voice)
(907) 451-5050 (FAX)
At the time this project was published, the State of Alaska depended on the petroleum industry for approximately 80 percent of its revenue, most of which comes from oil fields on the North Slope. North Slope oil production is declining. This mapping project addresses this problem by providing the state and industry with the first published geologic map of this part of the North Slope oil province at a scale other than 1:2,500,000. Detailed geologic mapping of the quadrangle addresses the lack of understanding of the petroleum-geology framework of the eastern North Slope, Colville basin, and the stratigraphic transition from the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska (NPRA) to the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). This detailed mapping and petroleum-related data is pertinent to oil exploration for Prudhoe Bay satellite fields and new play-type reevaluations, as well as assist private-sector exploration efforts, and speed the exploration process. This data will contribute to increased confidence in exploration and evaluation efforts in areas west of Prudhoe Bay.
Ashley, G.M., Hamilton, T.D., and Reed, K.M., 1984, Epiguruk bluff�Chronology and regional correlations: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs v. 16, Geological Society of America, Boulder, CO, USA.
Detterman, R.L., 1953, Sagavanirktok�Anaktuvuk region, northern Alaska:.This is part of the following larger work.
P�w�, T.L. (ed.), Muller, E.H. (ed.), Karlstrom, T.N.V. (ed.), Krinsley, D.B. (ed.), Fernald, A.T. (ed.), Wahrhaftig, C. (ed.), Hopkins, D.M. (ed.), and Detterman, R.L. (ed.), 1953, Multiple glaciation in Alaska: Circular Circ. 289, U.S. Geological Survey, Washington, DC, USA.
Detterman, R.L., Bowsher, A.L., and Dutro, J.T., Jr., 1958, Glaciation on the Arctic Slope of the Brooks Range, northern Alaska: Journal of the Arctic Institute of North America v. 11, Arctic, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Hamilton, T.D., 1986, Late Cenozoic glaciation of the central Brooks Range:.This is part of the following larger work.
Hamilton, T.D. (ed.), Reed, K.M. (ed.), and Thorson, R.M. (ed.), 1986, Glaciation in Alaska: The geologic record: None None, Alaska Geological Society, Anchorage, AK, USA.
Hamilton, T.D., 1982, A late Pleistocene glacial chronology for the southern Brooks Range�Stratigraphic record and regional significance: Geological Society of America Bulletin Bulletin 93, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, VA, USA.
Porter, S.C., Pierce, K.L., and Hamilton, T.D., 1983, Late Wisconsin mountain glaciation in the western United States:.This is part of the following larger work.
Porter, S.C., and Wright, H.E., Jr. (ed.), 1983, The Late Pleistocene: Late Quaternary Environments of the United States v. 1, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, MN, USA.
Reifenstuhl, R.R., 1995, Lithofacies, petrology, and petrophysics of the Kemik Sandstone (Lower Cretaceous), eastern Arctic Slope, Alaska:.This is part of the following larger work.
Combellick, R.A. (ed.), and Tannian, F. (ed.), 1995, Short Notes on Alaska Geology 1995: Professional Report PR 117F, Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, Fairbanks, AK, USA.Online Links:
Reifenstuhl, R.R., 1994, Kemik Sandstone�petrology, physical properties, and facies of 40 outcrop and subsurface samples, Canning River to Sagavanirktok River, northeast North Slope, Alaska: U.S. Minerals Management Service Report No. 14-35-0001-30643, Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, Fairbanks, AK, USA.
Reifenstuhl, R.R., 1991, Paleontology data from 29 outcrop samples of Late Cretaceous to Jurassic age, Sagavanirktok Quadrangle, northeastern Brooks Range, Alaska: Public Data File PDF 91-21B, Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, Fairbanks, AK, USA.Online Links:
Reifenstuhl, R.R., 1991, Biostratigraphic report of 12 Cretaceous to Jurassic age outcrop samples from the Sagavanirktok, Mt. Michelson, and Chandler Lake Quadrangles, North Slope: Public Data File PDF 91-21D, Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, Fairbanks, AK, USA.Online Links:
Waythomas, C.F., 1991, Surficial geologic map of the Sagavanirktok B-1 Quadrangle, northeastern Brooks Range, Alaska: Public Data File PDF 91-21E, Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, Fairbanks, AK, USA.Online Links:
Wagner, A.A., 1957, The use of the Unified Soil Classification System by the Bureau of Reclamation: Proceedings v. I, 4th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, London, England.
Data sources used in this process:
Data sources used in this process:
Data sources used in this process:
Data sources used in this process:
Reifenstuhl, R.R., Mull, C.G., Harris, E.E., LePain, D.L., Wallace, W.K., and Pinney, D.S., 2000, Interpretive bedrock geologic map of the Sagavanirktok B-1 Quadrangle, eastern North Slope, Alaska: Report of Investigation RI 2000-1B, State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, Fairbanks, AK.Online Links:
Pinney, D.S., 2000, Reconnaissance surficial-geologic map of the Sagavanirktok B-1 Quadrangle, eastern North Slope, Alaska: Report of Investigation RI 2000-1C, State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, Fairbanks, AK.Online Links:
Pinney, D.S., 2000, Reconnaissance engineering-map of the Sagavanirktok B-1 Quadrangle, eastern North Slope, Alaska: Report of Investigation RI 2000-1D, State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, Fairbanks, AK.Online Links:
Location data for geologic and comprehensive point layers were entered manually from GPS units into a spreadsheet. Data for surficial and materials point, line, and polygon layers were determined in the field using 1:63,360-scale topographic maps and 1:50,000 (nominal) scale, color-infrared aerial photographs. Geologic data included in the compilation are the field maps and notes from this project as well as data from other sources as noted in the "Sources Cited" section. Attributes were verified for consistency and completeness during the creation of the metadata.
DGGS location data and estimated position errors were manually entered into a spreadsheet. Sample numbers and locations with selected data were spatially registered and analyzed in ArcGIS software. Location data for the surficial and materials maps were determined visually using topographic maps at a scale of 1:63,360 and 1:50,000 (nominal) scale, color-infrared aerial photographs. See "Source_Information" section for horizontal positional accuracy of locations not measured by DGGS.
This dataset includes coverages that contain information about geologic units, their ages, and field sample locations; structural features; structural measurements; and locations of industry-drilled test wells at 1:63,360 scale
Topology is present on appropriate polygon and line layers; others are point layers.
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Report of Investigation 2000-1A
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