Sedimentology, stacking patterns, and depositional systems in the middle Albian-Cenomanian Nanushuk Formation in outcrop, Central North Slope, Alaska

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Frequently-anticipated questions:

What does this data set describe?

Sedimentology, stacking patterns, and depositional systems in the middle Albian-Cenomanian Nanushuk Formation in outcrop, Central North Slope, Alaska
Detailed facies analysis is presented for the Nanushuk Formation in outcrop in the central North Slope. Facies associations are interpreted and described. Simplified measured sections are presented along with detailed segments of measured sections to illustrate facies and facies association stacking patterns.
The data are available in tabular format as comma delimited ascii files organized into three layers, each comprised of three tables as described in this metadata file under the "Entity_and_Attribute_Information" section. The layers are as follows:
 TableA1	Locations of measured sections described in this study
 TableB1	Summary of palynologic and foraminifera samples included in this study
 TableB2	Summary of macrofossil samples included in this study
  1. How should this data set be cited?

    LePain, D.L., McCarthy, P.J., and Kirkham, Russell, 2009, Sedimentology, stacking patterns, and depositional systems in the middle Albian-Cenomanian Nanushuk Formation in outcrop, Central North Slope, Alaska: Report of Investigation RI 2009-1, State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, Fairbanks, AK USA.

    Online Links:

    Other_Citation_Details: 78 p.

  2. What geographic area does the data set cover?

    West_Bounding_Coordinate: -155
    East_Bounding_Coordinate: -148
    North_Bounding_Coordinate: 70
    South_Bounding_Coordinate: 68.5

  3. What does it look like?

  4. Does the data set describe conditions during a particular time period?

    Beginning_Date: 1998
    Ending_Date: 2007
    Currentness_Reference: ground condition

  5. What is the general form of this data set?

    Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: document, tabular digital data

  6. How does the data set represent geographic features?

    1. How are geographic features stored in the data set?

      Indirect_Spatial_Reference: Central North Slope, Brooks Range foothills
      This is a Point data set.

    2. What coordinate system is used to represent geographic features?

      Horizontal positions are specified in geographic coordinates, that is, latitude and longitude. Latitudes are given to the nearest 0.001. Longitudes are given to the nearest 0.001. Latitude and longitude values are specified in Decimal degrees.

      The ellipsoid used is Clarke 1866.
      The semi-major axis of the ellipsoid used is 6378137.
      The flattening of the ellipsoid used is 1/298.25722210088.

  7. How does the data set describe geographic features?

    Summary of micropaleontology samples (Source: ADGGS)

    Sample ID
    Name of the palynology or foraminifera sample (Source: ADGGS)

    Name of sample

    Name of 1:250,000 quadrangle where sample is located (Source: ADGGS)

    Name of Alaska QuadrangleName of Alaska Quadrangle

    Location Name
    Local description of measured section (Source: ADGGS)

    General location

    Description of location (Source: ADGGS)

    General location

    Latitude, NAD27 (Source: ADGGS)

    Range of values

    Longitude, NAD27 (Source: ADGGS)

    Range of values

    Name of geologic formation (Source: ADGGS)

    Name of geological formationName of geological formation

    description of sample formation (Source: ADGGS)

    Geologist's description of rock sample

    Sample Type
    type of microfossil analysis (Source: ADGGS)

    Type of microfossil analysispalynomorph foraminifera

    Name of contractor performing analysis (Source: ADGGS)

    Name of contractor

    Significant Taxa
    list of taxa determined by contractor to be significant in terms of dating the sample (Source: ADGGS)

    list of microfossil taxa present in sample

    Age of sample determined from tax present (Source: ADGGS)

    Sample geologic age or range of ages determined by contractor

    Sedimentary environment where sample was deposited, determined by geologist (Source: ADGGS)

    Sedimentary environment description

    Thermal alteration index (Source: ADGGS)

    Range of values

    Description of section trend (start and stop) (Source: ADGGS)

    Author's comments about sample or analysis

    Summary of macrofossil samples (Source: ADGGS)

    Sample ID
    Name of the field sample (Source: ADGGS)

    Name of sample

    Name of 1:250,000 quadrangle where sample is located (Source: ADGGS)

    Name of Alaska QuadrangleName of Alaska Quadrangle

    Description of location (Source: ADGGS)

    General location

    Location Name
    Local description of measured section (Source: ADGGS)

    General location

    Latitude, NAD27 (Source: ADGGS)

    Range of values

    Longitude, NAD27 (Source: ADGGS)

    Range of values

    Name of geologic formation (Source: ADGGS)

    Name of geological formationName of geological formation

    Fossil type
    Geologist's description of macrofossil sample type (Source: ADGGS)

    Fossil type, general field description

    Significant Taxa
    list of taxa determined by contractor to be significant in terms of dating the sample (Source: ADGGS)

    list of microfossil taxa present in sample

    Age of sample determined from tax present (Source: ADGGS)

    Sample geologic age or range of ages determined by contractor

    Sedimentary environment where sample was deposited, determined by geologist (Source: ADGGS)

    Sedimentary environment description

    Description of section trend (start and stop) (Source: ADGGS)

    Author's comments about sample or analysis

    Location information for measured sections (Source: ADGGS)

    Location number
    Items in the Location Number field (Source: ADGGS)

    Stratigraphic sections measured in the field

    Location Name
    Local description of measured section (Source: ADGGS)

    General location

    Longitude, NAD27 (Source: ADGGS)

    Range of values

    Latitude, NAD27 (Source: ADGGS)

    Range of values

    Description of section trend (start and stop) (Source: ADGGS)

    Geologist's description

    Author's comments about sample or analysis

Who produced the data set?

  1. Who are the originators of the data set? (may include formal authors, digital compilers, and editors)

  2. Who also contributed to the data set?

    The data set was funded by the State of Alaska in conjunction with various North Slope STATEMAP geologic mapping projects, and the DGGS NPRA sponsors program.

  3. To whom should users address questions about the data?

Why was the data set created?

This work provides a detailed stratigraphic framework for the Nanushuk Formation.

How was the data set created?

  1. From what previous works were the data drawn?

    Mull et al., 2003 (source 1 of 1)
    Mull, C.G., Houseknecht, D.W., and Bird, K.J., 2003, Revised Cretaceous and Tertiary stratigraphic nomenclature in the Colville Basin, Northern Alaska: Professional Paper P 1673.

    Other_Citation_Details: 51 pp.
    Type_of_Source_Media: paper
    Source_Contribution: New stratigraphic hierarchy for Cretaceous stratigraphy

  2. How were the data generated, processed, and modified?

    Date: 2003 (process 1 of 1)
    Field work: detailed stratigraphic sections were measured during field seasons of 1998 through 2003

    Data sources used in this process:

    • Mull et al., 2003

  3. What similar or related data should the user be aware of?

How reliable are the data; what problems remain in the data set?

  1. How well have the observations been checked?

    Identification accuracy of paleontological samples varies with contract paleontologists. The most appropriate scientist with expertise in rocks of this age for each particular area was chosen.

  2. How accurate are the geographic locations?

    Location data in latitude/longitude coordinates with a Clark 1866, NAD27 datum are presented. GPS locations are typically accurate within 1-5 meters, while locations hand-digitized from topographic maps may be accurate within 10-20 meters.

  3. How accurate are the heights or depths?

  4. Where are the gaps in the data? What is missing?

    This dataset contains all of the samples selected for micropaleontological and macrofossil analyses in the central Brooks Range foothills during the field programs.

  5. How consistent are the relationships among the observations, including topology?

    No topologic relationships are present in the data.

How can someone get a copy of the data set?

Are there legal restrictions on access or use of the data?

This report, map, and/or dataset are available directly from the State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (see contact information below).
Any hard copies or published datasets utilizing these datasets shall clearly indicate their source. If the user has modified the data in any way, the user is obligated to describe the types of modifications the user has made. User specifically agrees not to misrepresent these datasets, nor to imply that changes made by the user were approved by the State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys.

  1. Who distributes the data set? (Distributor 1 of 1)

    State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys
    Natural Resources Technician
    3354 College Road
    Fairbanks, AK 99709-3707

    907-451-5020 (voice)
    907-451-5050 (FAX)

    Hours_of_Service: 8 am to 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday, except State holidays
    Please view our web site (<>) for the latest information on available data. Please contact us using the e-mail address provided above when possible.
  2. What's the catalog number I need to order this data set?

  3. What legal disclaimers am I supposed to read?

    The State of Alaska makes no express or implied warranties (including warranties of merchantability and fitness) with respect to the character, function, or capabilities of the electronic services or products or their appropriateness for any user's purposes. In no event will the State of Alaska be liable for any incidental, indirect, special, consequential, or other damages suffered by the user or any other person or entity whether from the use of the electronic services or products, any failure thereof, or otherwise, and in no event will the State of Alaska's liability to the requester or anyone else exceed the fee paid for the electronic service or product.

  4. How can I download or order the data?

Who wrote the metadata?

Last modified: 2009
Metadata author:
Simone Montayne
State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys
3354 College Road
Fairbanks, AK 99709-3707

907-451-5011 (voice)

Metadata standard:
FGDC Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata (FGDC-STD-001-1998)

Generated by mp version 2.9.6 on Fri Dec 11 12:59:02 2009