State of Alaska Alaska | Natural Resources DNR | Geological & Geophysical Surveys DGGS | Alaska Minerals DB AMDB

Bee Creek (Dry Creek)

Property Details

Interpreted mineral system (using mineral system classification of Hofstra and Kreiner, 2020*)

Activity by Year

Year Activity Status Operator Project Name Description
2015 Exploration Exploration Project Millrock Resources Inc. Alaska Peninsula Millrock Resources Inc. and partner First Quantum Minerals Ltd. drill tested their Alaska Peninsula por- phyry copper project in 2015. The project includes the Dry Creek (also known as Bee Creek), Mallard Duck Bay, and Kawisgag prospects on lands owned by Bristol Bay Native Corp. Two holes tested previously undrilled geophysical targets at the Dry Creek prospect; one encountered trace to weak chalcopyrite and more abundant molybdenite associated with porphyry-style veining and alteration. A 323-foot intercept of quartz? sericite?pyrite-altered, hornfelsed sediments averaged 0.19 percent copper, 0.009 percent molybdenum, and 0.001 ounce of gold per ton. No mineralization of significance was discovered at the Mallard Duck Bay prospect.

Production Stats

Year Total Rock Mined (short tons) Waste Rock (short tons) Ore Mined (short tons) Ore Milled (short tons) Heap Leach Ore (short tons) Total Concentrate Produced (short tons) Pb Ore Grade % Pb Recovered (short tons) Zn Ore Grade % Zn Recovered (short tons) Au Head/Ore Grade (OPT) Au Recovered (troy ounces) Au Recovery % Ag Ore Grade (OPT) Ag Recovered (million troy ounces) Coal (short tons) Other Other Amount Other Units


Source Year Description Property Phase Category Resource (short tons) Cu % Cu (thousand pounds) Pb % Pb (thousand pounds) Zn % Zn (thousand pounds) Au (OPT) Au (thousand oz) Ag (OPT) Ag (thousand oz) Mo % Mo (thousand pounds) Co % Co (thousand pounds) Barite % Barite (thousand pounds) TREO % TREO (thousand pounds) Graphite % Graphite (thousand pounds)

* Hofstra, A.H., and Kreiner, D.C., 2020, Systems-Deposits-Commodities-Critical Minerals Table for the Earth Mapping Resources Initiative: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2020-1042, 24 p.,