Hamilton, T.D., 2003, Surficial geology of the Dalton Highway (Itkillik-Sagavanirktok rivers) area, southern Arctic foothills, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Professional Report 121, 32 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:63,360. https://doi.org/10.14509/7191
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Alaska, State of; Alluvial; Atigun Gorge; Atigun River; Aufeis; Avalanche; Beach Deposits; Brooks Range; Colluvial Deposits; Correlation; Dalton Highway; Drainage Patterns; Dunes; Earthquake; Endicott Mountains; Eolian; Erratics; Esker; Fan; Floodplain; Fluvial; Galbraith Lake; Geologic Map; Geology; Glacial; Glacial Lake; Glaciation; Glaciers; Glaciology; Gravel; Holocene; Ice Contact Deposits; Imnavait Mountain; Interglaciation; Itigaknit Mountain; Itkillik Glaciation; Itkillik River; Kettles; Kuparuk River; Lacustrine; Landslide; Levees; Loess; Moraines; Nanushuk Formation; Outwash; Paleosols; Peat; Permafrost; Piracy; Pleistocene; Quaternary; Radiocarbon Dating; Reference Information; Related ASTAR Reference; Rock Glaciers; Sagavanirktok Formation; Sagavanirktok River; Sand; Silt; Slope Instability; Slope Mountain; Solifluction; STATEMAP Project; Stratigraphy; Surficial; Talus; Tectonics; Terrace; Tertiary; Toolik Lake; Toolik River; Trans-Alaska Pipeline; Tundra; Vegetation; Volcanoes