GeMS Wiki

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Meeting Notes

February 10, 2020

Dave Soller described the new push for the National Geologic Map Database's Phase 3 and possible funding opportunities to help the effort. Please contact Dave at if you have ideas about how your state could contribute. Recording:’s_Phase_Three_and_related_upcoming_opportunities-20200309_1809-1.mp4

February 10, 2020

At this meeting, DGGS gave a brief update presentation of recent GeMS database work, and we discussed a few tools for diagramming geodatabases in Esri products. We also went “round robin” around the various attendees and folks described where they are in GeMS implementation, current projects, and related needs and concerns. Recording:

January 13, 2020

Folks implementing GeMS posed questions about the best way to create a Glossary with minimal effort. Some states are interested in creating a Glossary resource that we can all pull from. Jen Athey volunteered to compile GeMS Glossaries and make the definitions available. Please feel free to send what you have so far to to be added to this resource. Recording:

December 9, 2019

Discussion topic was where to put different kinds of geologic information in GeMS. Here is the recording. We really just scratched the surface of this topic. Trish Ekberg from Alaska DGGS gave a presentation on how DGGS has tweaked the schema, which we feel still honors the ideals of data organization in GeMS. Then we walked through some examples of where to put different kinds of data in the schema. There was a fair amount of consensus.