GeMS Wiki

This is an old revision of the document!

Meeting Notes

March 9, 2020

Dave Soller described the new push for the National Geologic Map Database's Phase 3 and possible funding opportunities to help the effort. Please contact Dave at if you have ideas about how your state could contribute. Recording:’s_Phase_Three_and_related_upcoming_opportunities-20200309_1809-1.mp4

February 10, 2020

At this meeting, DGGS gave a brief update presentation of recent GeMS database work, and we discussed a few tools for diagramming geodatabases in Esri products. We also went “round robin” around the various attendees and folks described where they are in GeMS implementation, current projects, and related needs and concerns. Recording:

January 13, 2020

Folks implementing GeMS posed questions about the best way to create a Glossary with minimal effort. Some states are interested in creating a Glossary resource that we can all pull from. Jen Athey volunteered to compile GeMS Glossaries and make the definitions available. Please feel free to send what you have so far to to be added to this resource. Recording:

December 9, 2019

Discussion topic was where to put different kinds of geologic information in GeMS. We really just scratched the surface of this topic. Trish Ekberg from Alaska DGGS gave a presentation on how DGGS has tweaked the schema, which we feel still honors the ideals of data organization in GeMS. Then we walked through some examples of where to put different kinds of data in the schema. There was a fair amount of consensus. Recording:

November 12, 2019

GeMS stakeholders would like to see an increase in communication in the geologic community to help with issues and questions as GeMS gets implemented. Since this meeting, some new tools were implemented. Following is from an email to the DMT listserv from Evan Thoms, USGS:

For those working with GeMS data in ArcGIS, I wanted to make sure you all knew that there are now two versions, one for ArcMap and one for ArcGIS Pro. They are available from GitHub:

The two versions have been developed separately because ArcMap uses Python 2.7.x and ArcGIS Pro uses Python 3.x and there are syntax and arcpy differences between the two. For instance, note that with ArcGIS Pro, ESRI has not (yet!) ported over the entire Metadata toolset of geoprocessing tools. If you want to use the Purge Metadata or FGDC CSDGM2 Metadata tools from the GeMS toolbox, you will have to do that in ArcMap.

As before, downloading the tools does not require a GitHub account, but if you want to create an issue there to report a bug or request an enhancement or new feature, you will have to log in.

Now linked from both repositories (look for the badge that says 'chat on gitter' below the title in the readme section) is a newly created Gitter room at Gitter is a free and open-source chat platform for developers and users of GitHub and GitLab repositories. Go there for non-code specific questions about the use of tools in either toolbox as well as questions about working with the GeMS schema in general. Feel free to post news about workflow documentation, the publication of GeMS databases, or other resources that your group has available if you think they could be useful to the community. Log in to Gitter using a GitHub, GitLab, or Twitter account.

Finally, as always, you are invited to collaborate on the development of the tools. See the suggestions in the readme section of either repository.

Thank you! Evan