USGS C 804-B
The United States Geological Survey in Alaska; accomplishments during 1978
Johnson, K.M., and Williams, J.R., eds.
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U.S. Geological Survey
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Johnson, K.M., and Williams, J.R., eds., 1981, The United States Geological Survey in Alaska; accomplishments during 1978: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 804-B, 163 p.
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Chapter information:
Reiser, H.N., Brosge, W.P., Dutro, J.T., Jr., and Detterman, R.L., 1979, Upper Paleozoic volcanic rocks in the eastern and central Brooks Range, p. B25-B27.
Carter, L.D., and Galloway, J.P., 1979, Arctic Coastal Plain pingos in National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska, p. B33-B34.
Carter, L.D., and Galloway, J.P., 1979, Southward-progressing stabilization of Holocene eolian sand on the western Arctic Coastal Plain, p. B37-B38.
Huffman, A.C., and Ahlbrandt, T.S., 1979, The Cretaceous Nanushuk Group of the western and central North Slope, Alaska, p. B46-B49.
Chapman, R.M., and Patton, W.W., Jr., 1979, Two Upper Paleozoic sedimentary rock units identified in southwestern part of the Ruby quadrangle, p. B59-B60.
Silberman, M.L., Moll, E.J., Chapman, R.M., Patton, W.W., Jr., and Connor, C.L., 1979, Potassium-argon age of granitic and volcanic rocks from the Ruby, Medfra, and adjacent quadrangles, west-central Alaska, p. B63-B65.
Johnson, B.R., Miller, T.P., and Karl, Susan, 1979, Uranium-thorium investigations of the Darby pluton, Seward Peninsula, Alaska, p. B68-B69.
Throckmorton, M.L., and Hummel, C.L., 1979, Quartzofeldspathic, mafic, and ultramafic granulites identified in the Kigluaik Mountains, Seward Peninsula, Alaska, p. B70-B71.
Hoare, J.M., and Coonrad, W.L., 1979, The Kanektok metamorphic complex, a rootless belt of Precambrian rocks in southwestern Alaska, p. B72-B73.
Karl, Susan, and Hoare, J.M., 1979, Results of a preliminary paleomagnetic study of volcanic rocks from Nuyakuk Lake, southwestern Alaska, p. B74-B77.
Karl, S.M., Decker, John, and Jones, D.L., 1981, Early Cretaceous radiolarians from the McHugh Complex, south-central Alaska, p. B88-B89.
Csejtey, Bela, Jr., and Evarts, R.C., 1979, Serpentinite bodies in the Willow Creek district, southwestern Talkeetna Mountains, Alaska, p. B92-B93.
Dickinson, K.A., 1979, Uranitite in sideritic nodules from Tertiary continental sedimentary rocks in the Healy Creek basin area, central Alaska, p. B98-B99.
Plafker, George, Hudson, Travis, and Silberling, N.J., 1979, Late Triassic fossils from a sequence of volcanic and sedimentary rocks on the Chilkat Peninsula, southeastern Alaska, p. B107-B109.
Brew, D.A., Grybeck, Donald, and Johnson, B.R., 1979, Summary of mineral resources, Glacier Bay National Monument Wilderness Study Area, southeastern Alaska, p. B112-B113.
Carlson, P.R., Wheeler, M.C., Molnia, B.F., and Atwood, T.J., 1979, Neoglacial sedimentation in Glacier Bay, Alaska, p. B114-B115.
Berg, H.C., 1979, Significance of geotectonics in the metallogenesis and resource appraisal of southeastern Alaska: a progress report, p. B116.
Brew, D.A., and Morrell, R.P., 1979, Intrusive rock belts of southeastern Alaska, p. B116-B120.
Brew, D.A., and Morrell, R.P., 1979, The Wrangell terrane ("Wrangellia") in southeastern Alaska: the Tarr Inlet suture zone with its northern and southern extensions, p. B121-B122.
Decker, John, Nilsen, T.H., and Karl, Susan, 1979, Turbidite facies of the Sitka graywacke, southeastern Alaska, p. B125-B128.
Simpson, G.L., Vallier, T.L., Pearl, J.E., and Lee-Wong, Florence, 1979, Potassium-argon ages and geochemistry of basalt dredged near Saint George Island, southern Bering Sea, p. B134-B135.
Carlson, P.R., Plafker, George, Bruns, T.R., and Levy, W.P., 1979, Seaward extension of the Fairweather fault, p. B135-B138.
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