Overbeck, J.R., Hendricks, M.D., and Kinsman, N.E.M., 2016, Photogrammetric digital surface models and orthoimagery for 26 coastal communities of western Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Raw Data File 2016-1, 3 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/29548
Imagery of western Alaska coastal communities | Data File Format | File Size | Info |
Download rdf2016_001_community-metadata-western-ak-SfM | Shapefile | 53.4 K | Metadata - Read me |
Alakanuk; Alaska, State of; Brevig Mission; Chefornak; Chevak; Coastal; Coastal and River; Elevation; Elim; Emmonak; Engineering; Engineering Geology; Environmental; Geologic Hazards; Geology; Geomorphology; geoscientificInformation; Golovin; Hillshade Image; Hooper Bay; Kipnuk; Kongiganak; Kotlik; Koyuk; Kwigillingok; Methods; Newtok; Nightmute; Nome; Nunam Iqua; Orthoimagery; Raster Image; Saint Michael; Scammon Bay; Shaktoolik; Stebbins; Teller; Toksook Bay; Tununak; Unalakleet; Wales