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Collaborative Database Effort for Geology

Building a multi-map, multi-user GeMS database

The Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS) has undertaken the challenge of developing a multi-map, multi-user database model based on the single-map Geologic Map Schema (GeMS) developed by the USGS and state geological surveys. The multi-map model is intended for national use. A multi-map geodatabase will help DGGS meet the future goal of a 1:100,000-scale Alaska compilation, and provide a vehicle for other geologic surveys and agencies to organize and share their own geologic data. DGGS is seeking interested individuals to take part in discussions via teleconferences to provide input on the needs of geologic surveys and other organizations, help develop the specifications of the database model, and share ideas to help the community.

Telecons or Webex will usually be held the 2nd Monday of the month. The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, October 17, 2022, 2pm ET, as Oct. 10 is a holiday for some agencies.

Agenda for Oct 17

  • Introductions and comments
  • Ohio Geological Survey will present on their geological mapping and publication process
  • Next CDEFG meeting date is tentatively December 12, 2022. Topic TBA. We will be skipping November, as a possible DMT-Lite session is being planned for Nov. 10.

Possible topics for future meetings

  • Geologic map production at state geological surveys and USGS programs
  • Presentation: Attribute Rules and Dictionary Symbology in ArcGIS Pro Help Streamline Geologic Map Compilation in GeMS, by Tracey Felger, USGS
  • Implications of switching from ArcMap to ArcPro for the public, file types, USGS deliverables, etc.
  • How to conduct GIS and geologic reviews of GIS files
  • Use cases of feature templates, domains, and attribute rules
  • Field-to-archive deep dive into each geological survey's staffing, processes, data management, publications, etc.
  • Implementation and Migration of ArcEnterprise Portal: James Amato, Wyoming State Geological Survey
  • Follow up talk—Best Practices for Removing Collars of No Data from ArcMap: James Amato, Wyoming State Geological Survey
  • Efficient methodologies for heads-up digitizing and GeMS attribution: Tracey Felger, USGS
  • NRCan's image database schema and exif header metadata: Étienne Girard, NRCan
  • “Best of CDEFG” from Alaska geological survey: Mike Hendricks, DGGS

Table of Contents, Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys