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USBM Publications Series

The links below lead to the bibliographic citations for each publication series that DGGS has available. We have divided the list into active and retired publication series. These citations are linked to the individual files for each publication.

Retired series

AR - Agency Report
A group of reports performed by U.S. Bureau of Mines for another agency.
B - Bulletin
This series includes publications that report the results of broad and significant projects or programs of scientific, historical, or economic research, or other investigations, including comprehensive and important mineral resource studies and compilations.
CR - Contract Report
A group of reports performed by another entity for U.S. Bureau of Mines.
FR - Field Report
An unnumbered series published by U.S. Bureau of Mines. Some of these reports have not been published and do not necessarily meet the editorial standards of the former U.S. Bureau of Mines.
IC - Information Circular
The publications of this series differ from Reports of Investigations in that they are not concerned primarily with original Bureau research or investigative work. They cover surveys of mineral resources and related mining and operations activities.
MLA - Mineral Land Assessment
The Mineral Land Assessment program was designed to provide reliable and comprehensive mineral resource information that supports mineral resource policy and land use decisions made by Congress and Federal land management agencies. The information also provides the basis for decisions that would expand the domestic supply of important mineral resources, primarily strategic and critical minerals. Much of the MLA work was done jointly with cooperating State or U.S. geological surveys. Site specific mineral investigations included programs directed toward the identification of critical and strategic minerals throughout Alaska.
MRS - Mineral Resource Studies
This series includes final reports concerning a project involving the former U.S. Bureau of Mines.
OFR - Open-File Report
This series includes unpublished Bureau of Mines manuscripts, reports prepared for the Bureau under contract, or material not in manuscript form which the Bureau makes available for consultation in the library or Bureau facility.
RI - Report of Investigations
The publications of this series present the results of research and investigations conducted by the Bureau at its research centers or laboratories, or in mines, quarries, smelters, refineries, oilfields, plants and other non-Bureau properties. They differ from Bulletins in that they describe the principal features and results of individual experiments, minor research projects or a significant coordinated phase of a major project or program.
SP - Special Publication
An unnumbered series published by U.S. Bureau of Mines. Some of these reports have not been published and do not necessarily meet the editorial standards of the former U.S. Bureau of Mines.
SR - Situation Report
An unnumbered series published by U.S. Bureau of Mines. Some of these reports have not been published and do not necessarily meet the editorial standards of the former U.S. Bureau of Mines.
TP - Technical Paper
USBM defintion of Technical Paper series is unavailable.
TPR - Technical Progress Report
The publications of this series present highly significant and newsworthy developments in Bureau of Mines programs. They are expanded fact sheets giving the technical background and details necessary to supplement a press release that reports important progress in an area of Bureau activity.
UN - Unnumbered Report
A miscellaneous group of reports that were not issued a publication number or publication series. Some of these reports have not been published and do not necessarily meet the editorial standards of the former U.S. Bureau of Mines. They are provided here as a repository of information to be made available to the public.
WMR - War Minerals Report
The War Minerals Reports of the Bureau of Mines are issued by the United States Department of the Interior to give official expression to the conclusions reached on various investigations relating to domestic minerals. These reports are based upon the field work of the Bureau of Mines and upon data made available to the Department from other sources. The primary purpose of these reports is to provide essential information to the war agencies of the United State Government and to assist owners and operators of mining properties in the production of minerals vital to the prosecution of the war.
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