USGS MF 2155-F
Maps showing the resource assessment of the Port Moller, Stepovak Bay, and Simeonof Island quadrangles, Alaska Peninsula; with a section on Geology of the Pyramid porphyry copper deposit, Alaska Peninsula, Alaska by W. H. White, J.S Christie, M.R. Wolfhar
Wilson, F.H., White, W.H., Detterman, R.L., Case, J.E., Christie, J.S., Wolfhard, M.R., and Queen, L.D.
Publication Date:
U.S. Geological Survey
Ordering Info:
USGS Publications Warehouse
Port Moller; Simeonof Island; Stepovak Bay
Citation ID:
Bibliographic Reference
Wilson, F.H., White, W.H., Detterman, R.L., Case, J.E., Christie, J.S., Wolfhard, M.R., and Queen, L.D., 1996, Maps showing the resource assessment of the Port Moller, Stepovak Bay, and Simeonof Island quadrangles, Alaska Peninsula; with a section on Geology of the Pyramid porphyry copper deposit, Alaska Peninsula, Alaska by W. H. White, J.S Christie, M.R. Wolfhar: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map 2155-F, 46 p., 2 sheets, scale 1:250,000.
Publication Products
Report Information
Maps & Other Oversized Sheets
- Sheet 1, Maps showing the resource assessment of the Port Moller, Stepovak Bay, and Simeonof Island quadrangles, Alaska Peninsula, scale 1:250,000 (6.9 M)
- Sheet 2, Maps showing the resource assessment of the Port Moller, Stepovak Bay, and Simeonof Island quadrangles, Alaska Peninsula, scale 1:250,000 (7.2 M)
Coal; Energy; Geology; Gravity; Metals; Non-Metals; Petroleum
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