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Get Alaska Geophysical Data

Magnetic, electromagnetic, radiometric, seismic and gravity geophysical data are available

Magnetic, Electromagnetic, Radiometric, and Gravity Data

Geophysical Surveys List
List of DGGS airborne geophysical surveys that provides links to metadata, options for viewing, downloading, and ordering geophysical data
Geophysical Data Interactive Map
Interactive map of available modern airborne geophysical surveys from DGGS, select surveys from cooperating entities, and other geophysical publications. It links to metadata, options for viewing, downloading, and ordering geophysical data.
GIS services
Use the links below to add our geophysical data to your GIS project. In most cases, "Add data from URL or Path" in your GIS program and copy and paste these links:

Geophysical Report Publication Products
Overview of Geophysical Report (GPR) publication data products available to help users identify the data they need.
Published magnetic susceptibility values
What type of data do I need?

Seismic and Borehole Data

Seismic and Borehole Data
2D and 3D seismic and borehole data available from the Seismic Exploration Tax Credit Program as per statute AS 34.55.025

Regional Geophysical Data

DGGS Regional Datasets: Digital Data Series 12
Merged airborne geophysical data grids available for some areas
2006 Compilation of Alaska Gravity Data and Historical Reports
USGS compilation of gravity stations in Alaska
2015 Alaska Statewide Magentic Merge
Alaska statewide magnetic anomaly map in grid and database formats
2019 Yukon-Eastern Alaska Magnetic Grid
Natural Resources Canada created magnetic data merge of Yukon Territory and eastern Alaska

External Sources

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
USGS is the nation's largest water, earth, and biological science and civilian mapping agency. It collects, monitors, analyzes, and provides scientific understanding of natural resource conditions, issues, and problems.
Science Base Catalog
ScienceBase is a collaborative scientific data and information management platform to provide access to many data and information resources including feeds from existing data systems, metadata catalogs, and scientists contributing new and original content.
USGS Mineral Resources Online Spatial Data
USGS hosted website that supplies mineral resource information along with the geologic, geochemical, and geophysical information needed to understand and assess mineral resource potential.
Natural Resources Canada
Natural Resources Canada is an established leader in science and technology in the fields of energy, forests, and minerals and metals and use our expertise in earth sciences to build and maintain an up-to-date knowledge base of our landmass.
Geoscience Data Repository
The Geoscience Data Repository (GDR) for Canadian Geophysical Data.
GEOSCAN is the bibliographic database for scientific maps and publications of Natural Resources Canada (NRCan).
Yukon Geological Survey
The mandate of Yukon Geological Survey (YGS) is to provide the geoscience information required for resource and land management for the benefit of Yukoners. YGS acquires and disseminates geological and geohazard knowledge to support exploration, inform resource and land management planning, and engage communities, schools and the public.
British Columbia Geological Survey
The British Columbia Geological Survey (BCGS) is the ministry branch responsible for producing and housing the public geological and geoscientific information about mineral resources and mineral potential in the province. Its core staff is made of professional geoscientists who carry out the systematic inventory and assessment of the varied and complex geology of British Columbia.

What type of data do I need?

I don't have a computer / I prefer paper

Please contact us to get a paper map or view data that does not require specialized software.

I don't have specialized software

PDFs, KMZ files, and digital data packages called "outreach" will likely work for you. See these data products explained.

I am an educator

DGGS staff may be able to volunteer some classroom time, lead a field trip, or provided other support. Contact us for more information. PDFs, KMZ files, and digital data packages called "outreach" will likely work for you. See these geophysical data products explained.

I have industry standard software

Most digital data packages contain file formats which you can directly integrate into your preferred work environment. Grids, point data in ascii and database formats, and georeferenced images are all available. To learn more, click the metadata link associated with the dataset.

I am a contractor

Learn more about collaborating with DGGS.

I want a large number of data sets and or offline resources such as flight videos.

Please contact us to arrange this data deliverable.

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