USGS C 1107
Abstracts of the eighth international conference on Geochronology, cosmochronology, and isotope geology
Lanphere, M.A., Dalrymple, G.B., and Turrin, B.D., eds.
Publication Date:
U.S. Geological Survey
Ordering Info:
USGS Publications Warehouse
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Bibliographic Reference
Lanphere, M.A., Dalrymple, G.B., and Turrin, B.D., eds., 1994, Abstracts of the eighth international conference on Geochronology, cosmochronology, and isotope geology: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1107, 384 p.
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Report Information
Chapter information:
Amato, J.M., and Wright, J.E., 1994, Systematics of metamorphic monazite and its bearing on the petrogenesis of the Kigluaik gneiss dome, Seward Peninsula, AK, p. 5.
Berger, G.W., and Pewe, T.L., 1994, Chronology of interior Alaskan loess-Paleosol deposits by thermoluminescence, p. 28.
McClelland, W.C., and Mattinson, J.M., 1994, Resolving high precision U/Pb ages from Tertiary plutons with complex zircon systematics; examples from SE Alaska, p. 209.
McCoy, D., Layer, P.W., Newberry, R.J., Bakke, A., Masterman, S., and Goldfarb, R., 1994, Timing and source of lode gold in the Fairbanks District, interior Alaska, p. 210.
Mortensen, J.K., 1994, Nd, Sr and Pb isotopic constraints on mechanisms of crustal growth in the Yukon-Tanana terrane in Yukon Territory, Canada, and eastern Alaska, U.S.A., p. 227.
O'Sullivan, P.B., 1994, Cenozoic uplift and thermal history of the North Slope foreland basin, northern Alaska and northwestern Canada, p. 237.
West, A.W., and Layer, P.W., 1994, Thermochronologic history of the McKinley Pluton, Denali National Park, Alaska, p. 351.
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