USGS C 823-B
The United States Geological Survey in Alaska; accomplishments during 1979
Albert, N.R.D., and Hudson, Travis, eds.
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U.S. Geological Survey
The list of articles below is incomplete. The titles shown are cited in DGGS products. Maps are included in the text report.
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Alaska Statewide
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Albert, N.R.D., and Hudson, Travis, eds., 1981, The United States Geological Survey in Alaska; accomplishments during 1979: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 823-B, p. B1-B151.
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Chapter information:
Carter, L.D., and Robinson, S.W., 1981, Minimum age of beach deposits north of Teshekpuk Lake, Alaskan Arctic Coastal Plain, p. B8-B9.
Chapman, R.M., and Yeend, Warren, 1981, Geologic reconnaissance of the east half of Kantishna River quadrangle and adjacent areas, p. B30-B31.
Miller, T.P., and Lanphere, M.A., 1981, K-Ar measurements of obsidian from the Little Indian River locality in interior Alaska, p. B39-B41.
Hoare, J.M., and Jones, D.L., 1981, Lower Paleozoic radiolarian chert and associated rocks in the Tikchik Lakes area, southwestern Alaska, p. B44-B45.
Jones, D.L., Silberling, N.J., Wardlaw, Bruce, and Richter, Don, 1981, Revised ages of Paleozoic and Mesozoic rocks in the Talkeetna quadrangle, south-central Alaska, p. B46-B48.
Coney, P.J., Silberling, N.J., Jones, D.L., and Richter, D.H., 1981, Structural relations along the leading edge of the Wrangellia terrane in the Clearwater Mountains, Alaska, p. B56-B57.
Silberling, N.J., Richter, D.H., and Jones, D.L., 1981, Recognition of the Wrangellia terrane in the Clearwater Mountains and vicinity, south-central Alaska, p. B64-B65.
Winkler, G.R., Miller, R.J., and Case, J.E., 1981, Blocks and belts of blueschist and greenschist in the northwestern Valdez quadrangle, p. B72-B73.
Williams, J.R., and Johnson, K.M., 1981, Surficial deposits of the Valdez quadrangle, Alaska, p. B76-B77.
Williams, J.R., and Coulter, H.W., 1981, Deglaciation and sea-level fluctuations in Port Valdez, Alaska, p. B78-B80.
Ford, A.B., and Brew, D.A., 1981, Orthogneiss of Mount Juneau - an early phase of coast mountains plutonism involved in Barrovian regional metamorphism near Juneau, p. B99-B101.
Berg, H.C., 1981, Upper Triassic volcanogenic massive-sulfide metallogenic province identified in southeastern Alaska, p. B104-B107.
Brew, D.A., Sonnevil, R.A., Hunt, Susan, and Ford, A.B., 1981, Newly recognized alkali granite stock, southwestern Kupreanof Island, Alaska, p. B108-B109.
Jones, D.L., Berg, H.C., Coney, Peter, and Harris, A.G., 1981, Structural and stratigraphic significance of Upper Devonian and Mississippian fossils from the Cannery Formation, Kupreanof Island, southeastern Alaska, p. B109-B111.
Sonnevil, R.A., 1981, The Chilkat - Prince of Wales plutonic province, southeastern Alaska, p. B112-B114.
Elliott, R.L., Koch, R.D., and Robinson, R.L., 1981, Age of basalt flows in the Blue River valley, Bradfield Canal quadrangle, p. B115-B116.
Sonnevil, R.A., 1981, New data concerning the geology of the North Bradfield River iron prospect, southeastern Alaska, p. B117.
Whitney, J.W., and Thurston, D.K., 1981, Geologic constraints for petroleum development of the lower Cook Inlet, Alaska, outer continental shelf lease area, p. B122-B124.
Molnia, B.F., 1981, Distribution of gas-charged sediment and pockmarks in the northeastern Gulf of Alaska, Yakutat Bay to Cross Sound, p. B125.
Molnia, B.F., 1981, Depth changes in Icy Bay, Alaska caused by sedimentation and melting of ice-cored moraine, p. B125-B127.
Quinterno, Paula, Carlson, P.R., and Molnia, B.F., 1981, Benthic foraminifers as indicators of the Pleistocene - Holocene boundary in the eastern Gulf of Alaska, p. B128-B130.
Rau, W.W., 1981, Unusually diverse and well preserved Eocene foraminifers in dredge samples from the eastern Gulf of Alaska continental shelf, p. B131-B133.
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