Wartes, M.A., and Decker, P.L., 2008, Overview of recent geologic field investigations, North Slope and Brooks Range foothills, Alaska, in Wartes, M.A., and Decker, P.L., eds., Preliminary results of recent geologic field investigations in the Brooks Range Foothills and North Slope, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Preliminary Interpretive Report 2008-1A, p. 1-10, 1 sheet. https://doi.org/10.14509/16085
This publication is part of a larger work. Please see PIR 2008-1 for more information.
Accomplishment Creek; Albian; Aptian; Aupuk Creek; Barremian; Berriasian; Brookian; Brooks Range; Campanian; Canning Formation; Cenomanian; Cobblestone Creek; Cobblestone Member; Colville Basin; Colville River; Coniacian; Cretaceous; Dalton Highway; Early Cretaceous; Fission Track; Foreland Basin; Fortress Mountain Formation; Galbraith Lake; Gilead Creek; Gilead Sandstone; Hauterivian; Hue Shale; Ivishak River; Late Cretaceous; Lupine River; Maastrichtian; Marine; Nanushuk Formation; Nonmarine; North Slope; Okpikruak Formation; Permian; Petroleum; Prince Creek Formation; Regional; Sagavanirktok River; Sandstone; Santonian; Schrader Bluff Formation; Seabee Formation; Section Creek; Sedimentology; Shale; Slope Mountain; Source Rock; STATEMAP Project; Stratigraphy; Structural Geology; Tectonics; Thermal History; Thrust Fault; Toolik River; Torok Formation; Turbidites; Turonian; Valanginian