Lessard, R.R., 2006, Geology of the Caribou Creek area, Big Delta Quadrangle, east-central Alaska: Fairbanks, Alaska, University of Alaska Fairbanks, M.S. thesis, 267 p.
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Amphibolite; Bonanza Creek; Bullfrog Creek; Butte Creek; Caribou Creek; Cretaceous; Devonian; DGGS; Diorite; Fairbanks Mining District; geoscientificInformation; Granite; Granodiorite; Greenschist; Greenstone; Igneous; Jurassic; Marble; Mesozoic; Metamorphic; Mississippian; No Grub Creek; Orthogneiss; Paleozoic; Pasco Creek; Plutonic; Plutons; Quartz; Quartzite; Quaternary; Rocks; Salcha River; Schist; Sedimentary; Theses and Dissertations; Tourmaline; Volcanic