DGGS PE 43-2
Geophysical exploration at the Lost River tin deposit, Alaska
Williams, J.A., and Saunders, R.H.
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Alaska Territorial Department of Mines
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Bibliographic Reference
Williams, J.A., and Saunders, R.H., 1952, Geophysical exploration at the Lost River tin deposit, Alaska: Alaska Territorial Department of Mines Prospect Evaluation 43-2, 15 p., 6 sheets. https://doi.org/10.14509/1920
Publication Products
Report Information
Maps & Other Oversized Sheets
- Plate 1, Seward Peninsula vicinity map, scale 1 inch = 40 miles (7.7 M)
- Plate 2, Contours on granite contact - Lost River, scale 1 inch = 100 feet (8.8 M)
- Plate 3, Vertical resistivity profiles - Lost River area, scale 1 inch = 25 feet (4.2 M)
- Plate 4, Magnetic profiles - Lost River Camp area, scale 1 inch = 100 feet (5.3 M)
- Plate 5, Magnetic profiles - Camp Creek-Lost River area, scale 1 inch = 100 feet (27.0 M)
- Plate 6, Map showing geophysical transverses, Lost River area, scale 1 inch = 100 feet (3.9 M)
Clay; Cultural Resources; Fluorine; Geophysics; Historic Resources; Iron; Magnetometer Survey; Manganese; Mining; Resistivity Survey; Tin; Tungsten
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