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Alaska's mineral industry 2009: A summary

Bibliographic Reference

Hughes, R.A., Szumigala, D.J., and Harbo, L.A., 2010, Alaska's mineral industry 2009: A summary: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Information Circular 60, 15 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/21061

Publication Products


Admiralty Island; Aeromagnetic Data; Aeromagnetic Map; Aeromagnetic Survey; Airborne Geophysical Survey; Alaska Highway Corridor; Alaska Peninsula; Alaska, State of; Ambler; Ambler Mineral Belt; Antimony; Aqqaluk Mine; Arctic Deposit; Arsenopyrite; Base Metals; Beach Deposits; Big Hurrah Mine; Bluff (Place); Bokan Mountain; Chistochina Mining District; Chuitna Coal Project; Chukchi Sea; Coal; Coffee Dome; Colorado Creek; Copper; Core Drilling; Council Mining District; De Long Mountain Transportation System; Diamond Drilling; Donlin Creek; Drilling; Duke Island; Economic Geology; Economic Study; Electromagnetic Survey; Environmental Impact Statement (EIS); Fairbanks Mining District; Feasibility Study; Fort Knox Mine; Fortymile Mining District; Galena; Geochemical Surveys; Geochemistry; Geophysical Survey; Geophysics; Gil Deposit; Gold; Gold Prospect; Gravel; Greens Creek; Heap Leach; Horn Mountains; Induced Polarization; Intrusion-hosted; Kensington Mine; Ladd Landing; Lead; Liese Creek Prospect; Lik Prospect; Little Squaw Creek; Livengood; Livengood Mining District; Lode; Lucky Shot Mine; Magnetic Survey; Massive Sulfide Deposit; Massive Sulfide Prospect; Massive Sulfides; Metallurgy; Mineral Assessment; Mineral Deposit; Mineral Development; Mineral Localities; Mineral Resources; Minerals; Minerals Report; Mining; Mining Claims; Mining Methods; Money Knob; Mount Andrew Mine; Niblack Mine; Nickel; Nixon Fork; Nolan Creek; Nome; Omilak; Ore; Ore Deposit; Ore Deposit Type; Ores; Palladium; Peat; Pebble; Pebble (Place); Pebble Copper Prospect; Pebble Deposit; Placer; Placer Gold; Platinum; Platinum (City); Platinum Gold; Platinum Group Elements; Plutonic Hosted; Pogo; Precious Metals; Production Data; Rare Earth Elements; Recreational Mining; Red Dog; Reverse Circulation Drilling; Rock Creek; Russian Mountains; Salmon River; Sand; Sand and Gravel; Silver; Sphalerite; Sulfides; Tailings; Tetlin; True North Mine; Two Bull Ridge; Usibelli Mine; Woewodski Island; Yakutat; Zinc

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