USBM OFR 70-80
Occurrences and potential of lead and zinc mineralization in the Mt. Schwatka region
Barker, J.C.
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U.S. Bureau of Mines
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Circle; Livengood
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Bibliographic Reference
Barker, J.C., 1980, Occurrences and potential of lead and zinc mineralization in the Mt. Schwatka region: U.S. Bureau of Mines Open-File Report 70-80, 51 p., 9 sheets, scale 1:63,360.
Publication Products
Report Information
Maps & Other Oversized Sheets
- Plate 1, Field observation of mineral occurrences and rock types, scale 1:63,360 (4.6 M)
- Plate 2, Locations of soil samples - Mt. Schwatka project, scale 1:63,360 (22.0 M)
- Plate 3, Locations of stream sediment samples - Mt. Schwatka project, scale 1:63,360 (24.0 M)
- Plate 4, Locations of rock samples - Mt. Schwatka project, scale 1:63,360 (21.0 M)
- Plate 5, Anomalous Zn trends in soilds (PPM) (3.1 M)
- Plate 6, Anomalous Zn trends in stream sediments (PPM) (3.0 M)
- Plate 7, Anomalous Pb trends in soils (PPM) (3.2 M)
- Plate 8, Anomalous Pb trends in stream sediments (PPM) (2.6 M)
- Plate 9, Anomalous Cu trends in stream sediments (PPM) (3.1 M)
Lead; Livengood; Mineral Assessment; Mineral Composition; Zinc
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