USBM Tysdal, A.K., 1980
Uranium/thorium determinations on samples collected from seven quadrangles in eastern Alaska, Contract No. GJ8X-158(80)
Tysdal, A.K.
Publication Date:
Mar 1980
U.S. Bureau of Mines
Prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy
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Black River; Charley River; Circle; Coleen; Eagle; Livengood; Table Mountain
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Bibliographic Reference
Tysdal, A.K., 1980, Uranium/thorium determinations on samples collected from seven quadrangles in eastern Alaska, Contract No. GJ8X-158(80) : U.S. Bureau of Mines Contract Report, 38 p., 7 sheets, scale 1:20.
Publication Products
Report Information
Maps & Other Oversized Sheets
- Plate 1, Samples, Black River quadrangle (601.0 K)
- Plate 2, Samples, Charley River quadrangle (661.0 K)
- Plate 3, Samples, Circle quadrangle (699.0 K)
- Plate 4, Samples, Coleen quadrangle (612.0 K)
- Plate 5, Samples, Eagle quadrangle, scale 1:20 (609.0 K)
- Plate 6, Samples, Livengood quadrangle (607.0 K)
- Plate 7, Samples, Table Mountain quadrangle (585.0 K)
Thorium; Uranium
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