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DGGS RI 98-12

500 km
500 mi

Geology of the Sleetmute C-7, C-8, D-7, and D-8 quadrangles, Horn Mountains, southwestern Alaska

Bibliographic Reference

Bundtzen, T.K., Harris, E.E., Miller, M.L., Layer, P.W., and Laird, G.M., 1999, Geology of the Sleetmute C-7, C-8, D-7, and D-8 quadrangles, Horn Mountains, southwestern Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Report of Investigation 98-12, 38 p., 3 sheets, scale 1:63,360. https://doi.org/10.14509/2588

Publication Products


Alteration Products; Aniak-Thompson Fault; Antimony; Ar-Ar; Arsenic; Basins; Beaver Mountains; Bedrock; Bedrock Geology; Bibliography; Bismuth; C14; Chuilnuk Mountains; CIPW Norms; Clastics; Coal; Construction Materials; Copper; Depositional Environment; Diagenesis; Drift Mine; Economic Geology; Eolian; Epithermal; Faults; Fluvial; Folding; Formations; Fossils; Generalized; Geochemical Surveys; Geochemistry; Geochronology; Geologic; Geologic Map; Geology; Geomorphology; Getmuna Rhyolite Group; Glacial; Glacial Drift; Glacial Processes; Gold; Greisen; Historic Resources; Holokuk River; Holokuk River Valley; Horn Mountains; Horn Mountains Volcanic Caldera; Horn Mountains Volcanic Field; Hornfels; Iditarod River; Iditarod Volcanics; Iditarod-Nixon Fork Fault; Igneous Rocks; Isotopes; K-Ar; Kiokluk Mountains; Kolmakof River; Kolmakof River Valley; Kuskokwim Basin; Kuskokwim Group; Kuskokwim Mountains; Kuskokwim River; Kuskokwim River Valley; Lead; Lode; Major Oxides; Marine; Marine Transgressions; Measured Stratigraphic Section; Mercury; Mineralogy; Mining; Mining Methods; Non-Metals; Ores; Paleocurrent; Paleontology; Pan Concentrates; Peat; Permafrost and Periglacial; Petrogenesis; Petrography; Petrology; Placer; Plutonic Hosted; Polymetallic Vein; Porphyry; Precious Metals; Production Data; Resource Assessment; Rock Glaciers; Russian Mountains; Sample Location; Sand and Gravel; Sandstone; Sedimentation; Shale; Silver; Structure; Subduction; Surficial; Tectonics; Tellurium; Terranes; Tin; Trace Metals; Tungsten; Turbidites; Vein Deposit; Volcanic; Volcanic Hosted; Volcanology

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