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Levi-Johnson, O.I., 2010

Petrophysical property modeling of Umiat Field, a frozen oil reservoir

Bibliographic Reference

Levi-Johnson, O.I., 2010, Petrophysical property modeling of Umiat Field, a frozen oil reservoir: University of Alaska Fairbanks, M.S. thesis, xv, 129 p.


Umiat field, a frozen oil reservoir, is situated in the folded and thrust-faulted Cretaceous sedimentary rocks at the leading edge of the Brooks Range foothills of northern Alaska. The main oil reservoirs are between 500 and 1,400 ft deep and in permafrost. The main oil-producing zones in the Umiat field are the Grandstand shoreface sandstones. Statistical analyses of the porosity and permeability of the Upper and Lower sands indicate that the sands have distinct petrophysical characteristics. A plot of cumulative flow capacity versus cumulative storage capacity (i.e., modified Lorenz Plot) defined the flow structures of the Upper and Lower sands in Umiat well #9. The observed heterogeneities can be correlated with very-fine-grained sediments observed in the conventional core of the interval. A petrophysical property model of Umiat field was built consistent with the existing data and geologic knowledge about the reservoir. This model will be used in the future to test various production strategies for Umiat field. Based on this model, the estimated oil in place is 1.2 billion stock tank barrels and the associated gas is 84 billion standard cubic feet...

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