State of Alaska Alaska / Natural Resources DNR / Geological & Geophysical Surveys DGGS / PublicationsPubs / Ruks, T.W., 2005Ruks, T.W., 2005

Ruks, T.W., 2005

Petrology and tectonic significance of potassic feldspar augen granitoids in the Yukon-Tanana Terrane, Stewart River, Yukon Territory

Bibliographic Reference

Ruks, T.W., 2005, Petrology and tectonic significance of potassic feldspar augen granitoids in the Yukon-Tanana Terrane, Stewart River, Yukon Territory: Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, Laurentian University, M.S. thesis, 150 p.


Potassic feldspar-bearing auger granitoids are a fundamental component of the architecture of the Yukon-Tanana Terrane (YTT) and the Ancient Pacific margin of the northern Cordillera, forming a belt that extends from Alaska to southeast Yukon Territory. In the Stewart River and Dawson areas of the Yukon there are two suites of auger granites: a Late Devonian suite and a Permian suite not recognized elsewhere in the YTT. The Late Devonian (~363 Ma) suite represents the first examples of arc magmatism along the western North American margin in the mid Paleozoic, whereas the Permian (~260 Ma) suite represents a record of Permian arc built upon a pre-existing Devonian arc system. This paper contains an integrated field mapping, geochemical, and Sm-Nd isotopic study of these two suites with the aim of understanding their petrology, geochemistry, basement, and tectonic evolution of the YTT and ancient Pacific margin in the Late Paleozoic.

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