Rodriguez, J.M., 2009, Spectral decomposition and inversion: Case study of a production area in the Cook Inlet basin, Alaska, USA: Houston, Texas, University of Houston, M.S. thesis, 89 p., illust., maps.
Two or more seismic events, closely spaced compared to the dominant wavelength of the seismic wavelet, produce interference effects that can limit the theoretical resolution limit. Spectral decomposition and spectral inversion are processes that can improve seismic images by allowing the identification of stratal continuity and resolving layer thicknesses that could not be seen otherwise. In the absence of noise, synthetic wedge models have suggested that the classical ?/8 limit of seismic resolution does not limit the resolution of the inversion outcome. Spectral decomposition and inversion techniques were applied to a seismic dataset from Alaska, resulting in a considerably improved vertical resolution, which helped in identifying and delineating thin gas sands that were below tuning. The attributes also provided geomorphologic information, allowing interpretation and visualization of a braided depositional system on the Sterling Formation that corresponds with the regional geology and an analog from the Sagavanirktok River, Alaska.
Theses and Dissertations