Sontag, L.J., 1992, Paleomagnetism of the Paleocene Teklanika volcanics, central Alaska Range, Alaska: Starkville, Mississippi, Mississippi State University, M.S. thesis, 69 p., illust., maps.
Paleomagnetic studies have revealed varying amounts of counterclockwise (CCW) rotation in southern and central Alaska terranes. The observed rotations have been modeled in terms of either oroclinal bending or rigid block rotation. Tectonic analysis has been recently confounded by the discovery of clockwise (CW) rotation between two CCW rotated terranes, resulting from shear coupling between right lateral faults. Similar tectonic situations occur in central Alaska and bring into question the previous interpretations of paleomagnetic studies. A paleomagnetic study of the Teklanika volcanics was conducted adjacent to the Denali fault in the central Alaska Range as a test of differential block rotation. Primary remanence is strongly suggested by a positive fold test. The mean paleomagnetic pole for this locality indicates 21 degrees +/- 19 degrees CCW rotation, which is comparable to other studies of central Alaska. Therefore, no evidence exists for localized block rotation and regional CCW rotation of approximately 30 degrees appears valid.
Theses and Dissertations