DGGS Herriott, T.M. and others, 2015
Deep-water canyons in the Snug Harbor Siltstone and Pomeroy Arkose Members, Naknek Formation, Alaska - New insights into the sequence stratigraphy of the Late Jurassic Cook Inlet forearc basin (presentation): Geological Society of America, Cordilleran Section Annual Meeting, May 11-13, 2015, Anchorage, Alaska
Herriott, T.M., Wartes, M.A., and Decker, P.L.
Publication Date:
May 2015
Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys
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Bibliographic Reference
Herriott, T.M., Wartes, M.A., and Decker, P.L., 2015, Deep-water canyons in the Snug Harbor Siltstone and Pomeroy Arkose Members, Naknek Formation, Alaska - New insights into the sequence stratigraphy of the Late Jurassic Cook Inlet forearc basin (presentation): Geological Society of America, Cordilleran Section Annual Meeting, May 11-13, 2015, Anchorage, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, 37 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/29443
Publication Products
Report Information
Channel; Chinitna Bay; Chisik Conglomerate Member; Cook Inlet; Cook Inlet Basin; Depositional Environment; Energy Resources Posters and Presentations; Forearc Basin; Iniskin Bay; Iniskin Peninsula; Jurassic; Kimmeridgian; Late Jurassic; Mesozoic; Naknek Formation; Oil and Gas Basin; Oxfordian; Petroleum Basin Study; Pomeroy Arkose Member; Sedimentary Rocks; Sedimentation; Sequence Stratigraphy; Shelf; Snug Harbor Siltstone Member; STATEMAP Project; Stratigraphy; Systems Tract; Tuxedni Bay
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