Emond, A.M., Saltus, R.W., Graham, G.R.C., and Goldak Airborne Surveys, 2015, Airborne magnetic geophysical survey of the Tanacross region, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Geophysical Report 2015-6, 12 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/29514
Birch Creek Schist; Bush Prospect; Chicken Metamorphic Complex; Chicken Pluton; Dennis Ladue Prospect; Dennison Fork; Diamond Mountain; Fiftymile Batholith; Fish Prospect; Fortymile Mining District; Fortymile River; Fortymile River Assemblage; Friden Prospect; Gardiner Creek Batholith; Geophysical Survey; Geophysics; Geophysics Search Tag; geoscientificInformation; Goodpaster Mining District; Hajdukovich Molybdenum? Prospect; J-26 Prospect; July 26 Prospect; June 26 Prospect; Kechumstuck Fault; Kechumstuk; Ketchumstuk Prospect; Klondike Assemblage; Ladue River; Ladue River Unit; Lake George Assemblage; Little Enchilada Prospect; Little Whiteman Creek Prospect; LWM Occurrence; Magnetic Data; Magnetic Survey; Magnetics; McArthur Creek; Middle Fork Fortymile River; Mitchell Prospect; Mosquito Flats; Mosquito Fork; Mosquito Prospect; Mosquito Terrane; Mount Fairplay; Mount Harper; Move Prospect; Mt. Fairplay Prospect; Nasina Assemblage; North Mosquito Flats Prospect; North Peternie Prospect; Pelly Gneiss; Peternie Prospect; Prindle Volcano; Rainy Mountain Lode Prospect; Raven Prospect; Section 21 Prospect; Shady Ridge Prospect; Sheba Mountain; Silver Lining Prospect; Sixtymile Butte; Sixtymile Butte Prospect; Sixtymile Fault; South Fork of the Fortymile River; Taurus Prospect; Taylor Highway; Taylor Mountain; Taylor Mountain Batholith; VABM West Prospect; VW Prospect; Yukon-Tanana Terrane