Decker, P.L., and LePain, D.L., 2016, Subsurface relationships of Albian-Cenomanian shallow marine to nonmarine topsets of the Nanushuk Formation, northwestern NPRA, northern Alaska, in LePain, D.L., Stratigraphic and reservoir quality studies of continuous core from the Wainwright #1 coalbed methane test well, Wainwright, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Report of Investigation 2016-3-1, p. 1-3, 1 sheet.
This publication is part of a larger work. Please see RI 2016-3 for more information.
Albian; Brookian; Cenomanian; Coal; Coalbed Methane; Coastal Plain; Core Logs; Correlation; Cross Section; Deltaic Facies; Depositional Environment; Fluvial; Nanushuk Formation; Nonmarine; NPRA; Sea Level Changes; Seismic Interpretation; Sequence Stratigraphy; Stratigraphy; Trace Fossils; Wainwright; Well Logs