Mulliken, K.M., 2018, The Alaska Volcano Observatory: 30 years of protecting Alaskans from the effects of volcanic activity (1988-2018): Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Information Circular 67, 2 p.
Akutan; Amukta; Ash Cloud; Ashfall; Augustine; Ballistics; Bogoslof; Cleveland; Debris Avalanche; Debris Flow; DGGS; Education; Eruption Cloud; Fourpeaked; Gareloi; Groundwater Contamination; Hazards; Kanaga; Kasatochi; Kiska; Korovin; Lahar; Lahar Runout Flow; Makushin; Monitor; Okmok; Outreach; Pavlof; Pyroclastic Fall; Pyroclastic Flow; Redoubt; Satellite; Seguam; Shishaldin; Spurr; Unalaska; Veniaminof; Volcanic; Volcanic Ash; Volcanic Eruption; Volcanic Gas; Volcanic Landslide; Volcanoes; Volcanology; Westdahl