DGGS GPR 2019-17
Southern Delta River electromagnetic and magnetic airborne geophysical survey data compilation
Burns, L.E., Graham, G.R.C., Barefoot, J.D., Fugro Airborne Surveys, and Stevens Exploration Management Corp.
Publication Date:
Dec 2019
Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys
Supersedes GPR 2003-5, GPR 2003-5-1A, GPR 2003-5-1B, GPR 2003-5-1C, GPR 2003-5-1D, GPR 2003-5-2A, GPR 2003-5-2B, GPR 2003-5-2C, GPR 2003-5-2D, GPR 2003-5-2E, GPR 2003-5-2F, GPR 2003-5-2G, GPR 2003-5-3A, GPR 2003-5-3B, GPR 2003-5-3C, GPR 2003-5-4A, GPR 2003-5-4B, GPR 2003-5-4C, GPR 2003-5-5A, GPR 2003-5-6A, GPR 2003-6, GPR 2003-7, and GPR 2003-8.
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Mount Hayes
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Southern Delta River geophysics
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GPR 2003-5-5A,
GPR 2003-5-6A,
GPR 2003-6,
GPR 2003-7,
GPR 2003-8
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Bibliographic Reference
Burns, L.E., Graham, G.R.C., Barefoot, J.D., Fugro Airborne Surveys, and Stevens Exploration Management Corp., 2019, Southern Delta River electromagnetic and magnetic airborne geophysical survey data compilation: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Geophysical Report 2019-17, 13 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/30229
Publication Products
Report Information
Geospatial & Analytical Data
Aeromagnetic; Aeromagnetic Data; Aeromagnetic Map; Aeromagnetic Survey; Airborne Geophysical Survey; Amphitheater Mountains; Analytic Signal; Apparent Resistivity Data; Apparent Resistivity Map; Apparent Resistivity Survey; Boulder Creek; Cabin Creek; Chistochina Mining District; Clear Creek; College Creek; Conductivity Survey; Cottonwood Creek; Delta River; Delta River Mining District; Electromagnetic Data; Electromagnetic Survey; Eureka Creek; Exploration; First Vertical Derivative; Fish Creek; Frequency Domain Electromagnetic Data; Gakona River; Garrett Creek; Geologic; Geology; Geophysical Map; Geophysical Survey; Geophysics; Geophysics Search Tag; geoscientificInformation; Glacier Gap; Gridded Data; Gulkana River; Gunn Creek; Line Data; Maclaren River; Magnetic Data; Magnetic Survey; Magnetics; McCallum Creek; Rainy Mountain; Remote Sensing; Resistivity; Resistivity Survey; Specimen Creek; Sugarloaf Mountain; Valdez Creek Mining District; Wildhorse Creek
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