USGS DS 1115
Catalog of earthquake parameters and description of seismograph and infrasound stations at Alaskan volcanoes—January 1, 2013, through December 31, 2017
Dixon, J.P., Stihler, S.D., Haney, M.M., Lyons, J.J., Ketner, D.M., Mulliken, K.M., Parker, Thomas, and Power, J.A.
Publication Date:
U.S. Geological Survey
Ordering Info:
USGS Publications Warehouse
Alaska Statewide
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Bibliographic Reference
Dixon, J.P., Stihler, S.D., Haney, M.M., Lyons, J.J., Ketner, D.M., Mulliken, K.M., Parker, Thomas, and Power, J.A., 2019, Catalog of earthquake parameters and description of seismograph and infrasound stations at Alaskan volcanoes—January 1, 2013, through December 31, 2017: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 1115, 92 p.
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