Helmold, K.P., and LePain, D.L., 2021, Sedimentary petrology, reservoir quality, and provenance of Albian–Cenomanian Nanushuk Formation sandstone, NPRA test wells, Umiat 18, and measured outcrop sections, central North Slope, Alaska, in LePain, D.L., and Helmold, K.P., eds., Sedimentology and reservoir quality of the Nanushuk Formation (Albian-Cenomanian) in cores from the National Petroleum Reserve–Alaska and adjoining state lands to the south: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Report of Investigation 2021-4B, 31 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/30728
This publication is part of a larger work. Please see RI 2021-4 for more information.
Albian; Brooks Range; Cenomanian; Colville Basin; Energy; Energy Resources; Gubik Formation; Hue Shale; Hydrocarbon; Nanushuk Formation; National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska; North Slope; Oil and Gas; Oil Seeps; Petrology; Reservoir; Reservoir Evaluation; Reservoir Quality; Sagavanirktok Formation; Sandstone; Schrader Bluff Formation; Umiat; Wolf Creek