Buzard, R.M., Heiner, Daniel, Overbeck, J.R., and Glenn, R.J.T., 2021, Photogrammetry-derived orthoimagery and elevation for Wainwright, Alaska, collected August 3, 2021: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Raw Data File 2021-18, 4 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/30791
Aerial; Aerial Geology; Aerial Photography; Coastal; Coastal and River; Coastal Erosion; DGGS; Digital Surface Model (DSM); Elevation; Emergency Preparedness; Engineering; Engineering Geology; Environmental; Erosion; Geologic; Geologic Hazards; Geological Process; Geology; Geomorphology; geoscientificInformation; Geotechnical; Hazards; North Slope; North Slope Borough; Orthoimagery; Photogrammetry; Raster Image; Remote Sensing; Sea Level Changes; Shelf; Shoreface; Structure From Motion; Surface; Surficial; Surficial Geology; Topography; Unconsolidated Deposits; Wainwright; Water; Web Service