Gavel, M.M., Twelker, Evan, Wypych, Alicja, Naibert, T.J., Newberry, R.J., Szumigala, D.J., Wildland, A.D., Barrera, M.L., Blackwell, N.J., Fessenden, S.N., Harvey, D.A., and Muller, I.P., 2023, Field station locations and magnetic susceptibility data collected in 2022 for the Mount Harper project, Eagle, Big Delta, and Mount Hayes quadrangles, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Raw Data File 2023-6, 3 p.
Field station locations and magnetic susceptibility data, 2022 Mount Harper project | Data File Format | File Size | Info |
Download rdf2023_006_station-descriptions-mag-sus | ASCII tabular files | 354.6 K | Metadata - Read me |
Actinolite; Aluminum; Amphibolite; Analyses; Andalusite; Andesite; Apatite; Aplite; Arkose; Arsenopyrite; Banner Creek; Basalt; Batholith; Bedrock; Bedrock Geology; Big Delta; Billy Creek; Black Lake; Bluff Cabin Lake; Bluff Cabin Ridge; Boulder Creek; Breccia; Buckeye Creek; Buckskin Creek; Bullion Creek; Calcite; Calcium; Canyon Creek; Carbonates; Cedar Creek; Cement; Chalcopyrite; Chemistry; Chert; Chlorite; Clear Creek; Clearwater Creek; Conglomerate; Copper; Copper Creek; Corda Creek; Corundum; Dacite; Delta Creek; Delta Junction; Delta River; Democrat Creek; DGGS; Diabase; Diopside; Diorite; Divide Creek; Dolomite; Dolostone; Dome; Dunite; Eagle; Eagle Creek; Enterprise Creek; Epidote; Eva Creek; Feldspar; Felsic; Felsite; Field Notes; Fish Creek; Fish Lake; Flag Hill; Flat Creek; Folding; Folds; Fourmile Hill; Fracture; Fracturing; Gabbro; Garnet; Geology; Geophysical Survey; George Creek; geoscientificInformation; Gerstle River; Gneiss; Goethite; Gold; Gold Creek; Goodpaster Flats; Goodpaster River; Gossan; Granite; Granite Creek; Granodiorite; Graphite; Greenschist; Greenstone; Harding Lake; Hartman Lake; Harzburgite; Healy; Healy Lake; Healy River; Hematite; Hidden Lake; Hornblende; Hornblendite; Hornfels; Igneous; Ingle Creek; Iron; Iron Creek; Joseph Creek; Junction Creek; Kaolinite; Kechumstuk; Kechumstuk Creek; Kechumstuk Mountain; Keystone Creek; Kyanite; Lake George; Lake Mansfield; Lamprophyre; Lilliwig Creek; Liscum Slough; Logging Cabin Creek; Lost Lake; Magnesium; Magnetic Susceptibility; Magnetite; Malachite; Manganese; Mansfield Creek; Mansfield Village; Marble; Mason Narrows; Metamorphic; Metamorphism; Mica; Michigan Creek; Mineral Assessment; Mineral Deposit; Mineral Development; Mineral Exploration; Mineral Localities; Mineral Prospect; Mineral Resources; Mineralogy; Minerals; Mining; Mining Claims; Molly Creek; Molybdenite; Molybdenum; Monzonite; Moose Creek; Moose Lake; Mosquito Creek; Mount Harper; Muscovite; Mylonite; Nepheline; Norvell Creek; Orthogneiss; Pegmatite; Peridotite; Phyllite; Plagioclase; Plutonic; Pogo; Pogo Mine; Porphyry; Porphyry Creek; Potassium; Progressive Creek; Pumice; Pyrite; Pyroxenite; Pyrrhotite; Quartz; Quartz Lake; Quartzite; Rapid Creek; Resource Assessment; Rhoads Creek; Rhyolite; Richardson; Rocks; Rosa Creek; Salcha River; Sand; Sand Creek; Sand Lake; Sandstone; Sawmill Creek; Scheelite; Schist; Sediment; Sedimentary; Sericite; Serpentine Creek; Serpentinite; Sevenmile Creek; Shaw Creek; Shaw Pond; Shear; Siderite; Silica; Sillimanite; Silver; Skarn; Slate; Sodium; Sphalerite; Staurolite; Stockwork; Strain; Structure; Sulfides; Sulfur; Surface; Syenite; Talc; Talus; Tanana River; Taylor Creek; Taylor Mountain; Tectonite; Telegraph Creek; Tenderfoot Creek; Tenmile Creek; Terrace; Thompson Lake; Till; Timber; Titanium; Tomato Creek; Tonalite; Tourmaline; Trachyandesite; Trachyte; Tremolite; Trondhjemite; Tuff; Tundra; Tungsten; Twelvemile Lake; Ultramafic; Vegetation; Volcanic; Volkmar Lake; Volkmar River; Wehrlite; White Creek; Willow Creek; Wolf Creek; Wolf Lake; Wollastonite; Yukon-Tanana Upland