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DGGS RDF 2024-13

Lidar-derived snow surface elevation data for Deadhorse, northern Alaska, collected May 10, 2022

Bibliographic Reference

Zechmann, J.M., Daanen, R.P., Salisbury, J.B., and Wolken, G.J., 2024, Lidar-derived snow surface elevation data for Deadhorse, northern Alaska, collected May 10, 2022: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Raw Data File 2024-13, 9 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/31259

Publication Products


Big Lake; Coastal; D-Pad Lake; DGGS; Deadhorse; Digital Elevation Model; Digital Surface Model (DSM); Digital Terrain Model; Elevation; Emergency Preparedness; Engineering; Engineering Geology; Environment; Geologic; Geologic Hazards; Geological Process; Geology; Geomorphology; Geophysics; Geotechnical; Hazards; LiDAR; LiDAR Intensity Image; LiDAR LAS File Format; North Slope; North Slope Borough; Point Cloud Data; Prudhoe Bay; Putuligayuk River; Raster Image; Remote Sensing; Sagavanirktok River; Surface; Surficial; Surficial Geology; Topography; geoscientificInformation

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