USGS B 1187
Quicksilver deposits of southwestern Alaska
Sainsbury, C.L., and MacKevett, E.M., Jr.
Publication Date:
U.S. Geological Survey
Ordering Info:
USGS Publications Warehouse
Afognak; Baird Inlet; Bethel; Dillingham; Goodnews Bay; Hagemeister Island; Holy Cross; Iditarod; Iliamna; Kenai; Kuskokwim Bay; Kwiguk; Lake Clark; Lime Hills; Marshall; McGrath; Medfra; Mount Katmai; Mount McKinley; Naknek; Nushagak Bay; Ophir; Russian Mission; Saint Michael; Seldovia; Sleetmute; Talkeetna; Taylor Mountains; Tyonek; Unalakleet
OF 43-102
Citation ID:
Bibliographic Reference
Sainsbury, C.L., and MacKevett, E.M., Jr., 1965, Quicksilver deposits of southwestern Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1187, 89 p., 8 sheets.
Publication Products
Report Information
Maps & Other Oversized Sheets
- Plate 1, Composite geologic map of trenches and underground workings, Alice and Bessie Mine, Sleetmute area, scale 1 inch = 100 feet (7.3 M)
- Plate 2, Geologic map and section of trenches at the Willis property, Sleetmute area, scale 1 inch = 50 feet (2.4 M)
- Plate 3, Geologic maps and sections of the White Mountains area, scale 1 inch = 1 mile (8.7 M)
- Plate 4, Geologic map of main pit, Cinnabar Creek mine, Kuskokwim Mountains, scale 1 inch = 20 feet (3.1 M)
- Plate 5, Geologic map of the 820 adit, DeCourcy Mountain mine, and sketch map of the mine area. DeCourcy Mountain (1.9 M)
- Plate 6, Geologic map of the trenches at the Rhyolite property, Juninggulra Mountain, Kuskokwim Mountains, scale 1 inch = 100 feet (3.7 M)
- Plate 7, Geologic and topographic map and sections of mine area, Red Top mine, Aleknagik, scale 1 inch = 600 feet (6.8 M)
- Plate 8, Map and section of adits, Red Top mine, Aleknagik, scale 1 inch = 100 feet (3.2 M)
Bedrock; Bedrock Geology; Generalized; Geology; Metals
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