Dillon, J.T., Pessel, G.H., Chen, J.H., and Veach, N.C., 1978, Tectonic and economic significance of Late Devonian and Late Proterozoic U-Pb zircon ages from the Brooks Range, Alaska, in Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, Short Notes on Alaskan Geology - 1978: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Geologic Report 61H, p. 36-41. https://doi.org/10.14509/415
This publication is part of a larger work. Please see GR 61 for more information.
Age Dates; Arrigetch Pluton; Devonian; Geology; Igikpak Pluton; Okpilak Batholith; Plutonic; Proterozoic; Tectonics; U-Pb; Wild River Pluton