Metz, P.A., 1987, Geological factors governing the formation of the gold placer deposits of the Fairbanks mining district, Alaska, in Albanese, M.D., and Campbell, B.W., comps., Placer mining-jobs for Alaska: Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Alaska Conference on Placer Mining-1987: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Miscellaneous Publication 9S, p. 195-223.
This publication is part of a larger work. Please see MP 9 for more information.
Antimony; Arsenic; Cleary Sequence; Coastal and River; Cripple Gravel; Erosion; Ester Dome; Faults; Fossils; Fox Gravel; Gilmore Dome; Gold; Historic Resources; Lead; Lode; Pedro Dome; Placer; Pleistocene; Pliocene; Polymetallic Vein; Production Data; Silver; Size Analysis; Skarn; Stratiform; Stratigraphy; Stream Profiles; Structure; Surficial; Tectonics; Tungsten; Zinc