DGGS MR 193-3
Kantishna District
Seraphim, R.H.
Publication Date:
Alaska Division of Mines and Minerals
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Mount McKinley
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Bibliographic Reference
Seraphim, R.H., 1962, Kantishna District: Alaska Division of Mines and Minerals Miscellaneous Report 193-3, 11 p., 10 sheets. https://doi.org/10.14509/969
Publication Products
Report Information
Maps & Other Oversized Sheets
- Sheet 1, Red Top, scale 1 inch = 40 feet (5.8 M)
- Sheet 2, Little Annie and Little Annie no. 2, scale 1 inch = 40 feet (6.6 M)
- Sheet 3, Kantishna geology - east, scale 1 inch = 100 feet (6.6 M)
- Sheet 4, Kantishna geology - center, scale 1 inch = 100 feet (6.3 M)
- Sheet 5, Kantishna geology - west, scale 1 inch = 100 feet (6.9 M)
- Sheet 6, Gold Dollar-Golden Eagle, scale 1 inch = 40 feet (5.8 M)
- Sheet 7, Kantishna geochemistry - east, scale 1 inch = 100 feet (6.6 M)
- Sheet 8, Kantishna geochemistry - center, scale 1 inch = 100 feet (7.3 M)
- Sheet 9, Kantishna geochemistry - west, scale 1 inch = 100 feet (6.5 M)
- Sheet 10, Silver Pick, scale 1 inch = 40 feet (7.1 M)
Antimony; Arsenic; Copper; Cultural Resources; Geochemistry; Gold; Lead; Mining; Ruby Silver; Silver; Zinc
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