State of Alaska Alaska / Natural Resources DNR / Geological & Geophysical Surveys DGGS / PublicationsPubs / MIRL SeriesMIRL

MIRL Publications Series

The links below lead to the bibliographic citations for each publication series that DGGS has available. We have divided the list into active and retired publication series. These citations are linked to the individual files for each publication.

Retired series

AR - AR Report
Sequentially numbered reports issued by the University of Alaska Mineral Industry Research Laboratory covering a wide range of research topics associated with mineral, petroleum, and coal resources in Alaska and in the technology of exploration, development, extraction and processing of mineral resources in general.
OF - Open File
Reports and data by faculty and students of the University of Alaska Mineral Industry Research Laboratory on results of research on a wide variety of topics.
Report - Report
Sequentially numbered reports issued by the University of Alaska Mineral Industry Research Laboratory covering a wide range of research topics associated with mining, mineral, petroleum, and coal resources in Alaska and in the technology of exploration, development, extraction and processing of mineral resources in general and in the technologies of exploration, development, extraction, and processing of mineral resources in general.
S.P. - Special Paper
Reports on various topics related to exploration, development, and production of mineral and energy resources made availble to the public by the University of Alaska Mineral Industry Research Laboratory.
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