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USGS Publications Series

The links below lead to the bibliographic citations for each publication series that DGGS has available. We have divided the list into active and retired publication series. These citations are linked to the individual files for each publication.

Active series

C - Circular
A wide variety of topics covered concisely and clearly to provide a synthesis of understanding about processes, geographic areas, issues, or USGS programs. A Circular is aimed at enhancing knowledge and understanding among general audiences, decision makers, university students, and scientists in related fields.
DR - Data Report
Data Reports (formerly Data Series) are intended for extended descriptions (including purpose and scope, collection methods, summaries, and other information) of a dataset or database that provide more detail than can be included in a metadata record.
DR - Data Release
An unnumbered series published by the U.S. Geological Survey. Publication of scientific data as stand-alone products or in conjunction with the scholarly articles they support is integral to the open data movement. The USGS has developed a path for formally releasing or publishing USGS scientific data called a "data release." More information is available at https://www.usgs.gov/data-management/data-release.
FS - Fact Sheet
A wide variety of topics covered concisely and clearly; focus is on USGS science, programs, projects, and data and how they address issues of public interest. This series is not used to release new scientific data or information that has not been published elsewhere. May be used to summarize or publicize results of previously published studies and their implications. May be used to release new information about USGS programs and products.
GIP - General Information Product
Specifically intended to educate and inform teachers, students, the news media, nature enthusiasts, and anyone interested in studying things in, on, or around the Earth. A wide variety of topics covered concisely and clearly in a variety of formats. Focus is on USGS programs, projects, and services and general scientific information of public interest.
OF - Open-File Report
Interpretive information that needs to be released immediately; maps and reports (and their supporting data) that need to be released as supporting documentation because they are referenced, discussed, or interpreted in another information product; preliminary findings (pending a final map or report); interim computer programs and user guides; bibliographies.
P - Professional Paper
This is the Premier series of the USGS. It consists of comprehensive reports of wide and lasting interest and scientific importance, characterized by thoroughness of study and breadth of scientific or geographic coverage. The series may include collections of related papers addressing different aspects of a single scientific topic, either issued together under one cover or separately as chapters.
SIM - Scientific Investigations Map
Scientific Investigations Maps present the scientific results of studies as maps, charts, stratigraphic sections, or other large illustrations. The map sheet or pamphlet may include additional descriptive information, photographs, or other illustrations. The series also may include collections of related maps addressing different aspects of a single geographic area or scientific topic, issued separately, or as an atlas, issued collectively in book format. Series includes planetary maps.
SIR - Scientific Investigations Report
Scientific Investigations Reports contain significant data and interpretations of lasting scientific interest but are generally narrower in scope than Professional Papers. The series includes collections of related papers addressing different aspects of a single scientific topic, either issued as individual chapters or as a single volume; proceedings and abstracts for USGS-sponsored meetings; some field trip guidebooks and road logs; and general manuals.
TM - Techniques and Methods
Description of procedures for the collection, analysis, or interpretation of scientific data. Includes selected computer programs, including manuals and documentation that represent major models, methodology, or techniques.

Retired series

AR - Annual Report
Reports issued by the Director of the U.S. Geological Survey to the Secretary of the Department of the Interior.
B - Bulletin
This series is comprised of significant data and interpretations of lasting scientific interest but generally narrower in scope than Professional Papers. Includes collections of related papers addressing different aspects of a single scientific topic, either issued as individual chapters or as a single volume; proceedings and abstracts for USGS-sponsored meetings; some field trip guidebooks and road logs; and general manuals.
C - Coal Investigations Map
This series contains multicolor or black-and-white geologic maps that show bedrock geology, stratigraphy, and structural relations of selected coal resource areas of the Nation. The numbering of these maps began in 1950; a few unnumbered maps were produced as early as 1935.
DDS - Digital Data Series
The Data Series is intended for release of basic data sets, databases, and multimedia or motion graphics. This series can be used for videos, computer programs, and collections of digital photographs.
DS - Data Series
The Data Series is directed to core professional and non-core professional audiences. The Data Series is intended for release of basic data sets, databases, and multimedia or motion graphics. Generally Data Series reports are published on CD or DVD; some may be online only.
GP - Geophysical Investigations Map
Maps on topographic or planimetric bases; various scales; show results of surveys using geophysical techniques, such as gravity, magnetic, seismic, or radioactivity, which reflect subsurface structures that are of economic or geologic significance. Many maps are correlated with the geology.
GQ - Geologic Quadrangle Map
Multicolor geologic maps on topographic bases in 7 1/2- or 15-minute quadrangle units; scales mainly 1:24,000 or 1:62,500; show bedrock, surficial, or engineering geology. Maps are also accompanied by brief texts and some by structure and columnar sections.
HA - Hydrologic Investigations Atlas
Multicolored or black and white maps on topographic or planimetric bases presenting a wide range of geohydrologic data; both regular and irregular areas.
HU - Hydrologic Unit Map
Maps that delineate units which are basically hydrographic in nature and which are used by the USGS in cataloging water data.
I - Miscellaneous Geologic Investigations Map
In August 1996, the I-map series name was changed from Miscellaneous Investigations Series Maps to Geologic Investigations Series. All geologic maps approved for publication after August 1996 were published in the Geologic Investigations Series. The series definition remains the same.
I - Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map
Maps on planimetric or topographic bases; regular and irregular areas; various scales; a wide variety of format and subject matter. The series includes 7 1/2-minute quadrangle photogeologic maps on planimetric bases that show geology as interpreted from aerial photographs. Series also includes planetary maps.
I - Geologic Investigations Series Map
High-quality maps and charts of varied subject matter such as bathymetry, geology, hydrogeology, landforms, land-use classification, vegetation, and others including maps of planets, the Moon, and other satellites. Various scales. Topographic or planimetric bases; regular or irregular areas. May include a text printed as an accompanying pamphlet.
MF - Mineral Investigations Field Studies Map
The maps are either the preliminary results of ongoing studies or the final results of studies that lack the scope necessary for the I and GQ Series. They are intended for rapid publication and are mostly author prepared. This series was renamed Miscellaneous Field Studies Series Maps.
MF - Miscellaneous Field Studies Map
Multicolor or black and white maps on topographic or planimetric bases; quadrangle or irregular areas; various scales. Pre-1971 maps show bedrock geology in relation to specific mining or mineral-deposit problems; the majority of post-1971 maps are preliminary black and white maps on various subjects such as environmental studies or wilderness mineral investigations.
MR - Mineral Investigations Resources Map
Maps showing geographic distributions and grade of mineral resources on a regional basis.
OC - Oil and Gas Investigations Chart
Charts showing stratigraphic information for certain oil and gas fields and other areas having hydrocarbon potential.
OF - Open File Report: Technical Data Unit classification number
Open-File Reports were reclassified in 1975 from a consecutive numeric scheme to the current YY-## scheme. Follow the link above to browse these citations according to their original publication numbers.
OM - Oil and Gas Investigations Map
Maps showing stratigraphic information for certain oil and gas fields and other areas having hydrocarbon potential.
TEI - Trace Elements Investigations
Preliminary reports relating to trace elements that were distributed without editorial or technical review. These reports were originally issued for inter-agency use. Many or all of these reports were generated on behalf of the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission
TEM - Trace Elements Memorandum
Preliminary reports relating to trace elements that were distributed without editorial or technical review. These reports were originally issued for inter-agency use. Many or all of these reports were generated on behalf of the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission
UN - Unnumbered Report
A miscellaneous group of reports that were not issued a publication number or publication series.
WRI - Water-Resources Investigations Report
A discontinued series of reports that contain hydrologic information, mainly of local interest, intended for quick release, usually in a book or map format.
WSP - Water-Supply Paper
A discontinued series of reports that contain systematic measurements and studies of important water bodies extensively used by engineers and others in projects involving water power, city water supply, irrigation, and manufacturing.
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