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Program Information

DGGS is an annual participant in the National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program (NCGMP) - STATEMAP (State Geologic Survey Mapping Component). The primary objective of the STATEMAP program is to establish the geologic framework of areas that are vital to the welfare of individual States. These priorities are based on State requirements for geologic map information in areas of multiple-issue need or compelling single-issue need and in areas where mapping is required to solve critical Earth science problems.

Geologic Mapping Advisory Board

The Alaska Geologic Mapping Advisory Board guides DGGS in pursuing its goal of providing earth science information to the Alaska public. A number of prominent geologists and community leaders, with a variety of backgrounds and a broad spectrum of experience in Alaska, have agreed to serve on the advisory board. The purpose of the board is multifold:

  • To identify strategic geologic issues that should be addressed by the state.
  • To inquire into matters of community interest relating to Alaska geology.
  • To provide a forum for collection and expression of opinions and recommendations relating to geologic investigation and mapping programs for Alaska.
  • To make recommendations toward identifying Alaska's diverse resources and promoting an orderly and prudent inventory of those resources.
  • To review and advise on priorities for geologic mapping recommended by the State Geologist and provide letters of support to accompany DGGS's annual STATEMAP proposals to the U.S. Geological Survey.
  • To increase public awareness of the importance of geology to the state's economy and to the public's health and safety.
  • To promote communication among the general public, other government agencies, private corporations, and other groups that have an interest in the geology and subsurface resources of Alaska.
  • To facilitate cooperative agreements between DGGS and other agencies, professional organizations, and private enterprise to develop data repositories and enhance the state's resource inventory and engineering geology programs.
  • To communicate with public officials as representatives of groups interested in the acquisition of Alaska geologic information.
  • To enlist public and legislative support for statewide geologic resource inventories and engineering geology programs.

The board held its first meeting in Fairbanks on October 22, 1995, and meets three times a year to discuss state needs, review DGGS programs, and provide recommendations to the State Geologist. The members solicit and welcome comments and suggestions from the public concerning state needs and DGGS programs throughout the year. Board members nominate candidates to fill vacancies and the State Geologist makes the appointments with approval of the Commissioner of DNR.

Current Board Members

Matthew Hanson, Chair
Geologist, Doyon Limited. Mr. Hanson is a Resources Manager representing Alaska Native corporations and communities and helping manage natural resource issues. He has expertise in land management and mineral exploration.
Kyle Brennan, PE
Professional Engineer and Vice President, Shannon & Wilson, Anchorage Office. Mr. Brennan's experience includes road and rail infrastructure; pedestrian walkways, trails, and bridges; pavement analysis and remediation; utilities and power generation/distribution; new building development; and airports and seaports.
Scott Digert, PE
Professional Engineer and Alaska Resource Development Manager, BP Exploration Alaska (retired). Mr. Digert represents the industry sector and his expertise includes energy project evaluation, exploration, development, and production.
Mischa Ellanna
Geologist, Bristol Bay Native Corporation. Mr. Ellanna has nearly three decades of experience in land management and mineral exploration. He has an strong background in geochemistry, geophysics, GIS, and construction aggregates.
Nicole Kinsman, PhD
Deputy Regional Director, NOAA/NWS Alaska. Dr. Kinsman has many years of experience in geospatial science and technology, environmental observing, and natural hazard response/mitigation.
Russell Kirkham
Manager, Alaska Coal Regulatory Program for the Division of Mining, Land, & Water, State of Alaska. Mr. Kirkham has many years of experience managing coal resources and mining related regulations.
Douglas Kreiner, PhD
U.S. Geological Survey, representing the federal government, mineral resources, and mapping interests. Dr. Kreiner is Associate Center Director, Geology at the Alaska Science Center, specializing in mineral resources and geologic mapping.
Paul McCarthy, PhD
Professor, Department of Geosciences, University of Alaska Fairbanks. Dr. McCarthy has research interests in paleolandscape evolution, alluvial architecture, and nonmarine sequence stratigraphy. He represents the University of Alaska Fairbanks on the Board.
Rob Retherford
President, Alaska Earth Sciences. Mr. Retherford has decades of experience managing mineral exploration and geoscience projects in Alaska.
Caixia Wang, PhD
Chair of Department of Geomatics, University of Alaska Anchorage. Dr. Wang is an associate professor and director of the GeoComputing Lab, with research interests in remote sensing and geographic information science.
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