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DGGS PDF 93-80

Preliminary bedrock geologic map of the Philip Smith Mountains D-3 Quadrangle, northeastern Brooks Range, Alaska

Bibliographic Reference

Reifenstuhl, R.R., Mull, C.G., Harris, E.E., Plumb, E.W., and Clough, J.G., 1993, Preliminary bedrock geologic map of the Philip Smith Mountains D-3 Quadrangle, northeastern Brooks Range, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Public Data File 93-80, 1 sheet, scale 1:63,360. https://doi.org/10.14509/1619

Publication Products


Alapah Limestone; Arctic National Wildlife Refuge; Bedrock; Bedrock Geologic Map; Bedrock Geology; Brooks Range; Colville Basin; Coquinoid Limestone; Depositional Environment; Echooka Formation; Energy Section Maps of Interest; Faulting; Folding; Fortress Mountain Formation; Generalized; Geologic Map; Geology; Ivishak Formation; Karen Creek Sandstone; Kavik Shale; Kingak Shale; Lisburne Group; Marine Sedimentation; Marine Transgressions; Nanushuk Formation; North Slope Basin; Okpikruak Formation; Petroleum; Provenance; Related ASTAR Reference; Sadlerochit Group; Sample Location; Shublik Formation; Structure; Tectonics; Terranes; Thermal Alteration Index; Torok Formation; Tuktu Formation; Wahoo Limestone

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