USBM OFR 24-78
Mineral appraisal of lands adjacent to Mt. McKinley National Park, Alaska. Contract No. JO166107
C. C. Hawley and Associates
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U.S. Bureau of Mines
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Healy; Mount McKinley; Talkeetna; Talkeetna Mountains
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Bibliographic Reference
C. C. Hawley and Associates, 1978, Mineral appraisal of lands adjacent to Mt. McKinley National Park, Alaska. Contract No. JO166107: U.S. Bureau of Mines Open-File Report 24-78, 274 p., 31 sheets.
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Report Information
Maps & Other Oversized Sheets
- Figure 2-1, Generalized geologic map of the Mt. McKinley area and vicinity with general structural index map, scale 1:1,000,000 (215.0 K)
- Figure 3-0, Generalized map of the economic geology of the Mt. McKinley region, scale 1:250,000 (9.6 M)
- Figure 4.0-A, Generalized geologic map of part of the Mt. McKinley quadrangle showing sample and mineral deposit locations, scale 1:125,000 (9.5 M)
- Figure 4.0-B, Generalized geologic map of part of the Talkeetna quadrangle showing sample and mineral deposit locations, scale 1:125,000 (1.7 M)
- Figure 4.0-C, Generalized geologic map of part of the Healy and Talkeetna Mountains quadrangles showing sample and mineral deposit locations, scale 1:125,000 (1.4 M)
- Figure 4.1-A(1) , Sample, claim, mineral deposits map of Kantishna mining area, locally showing geology, scale 1:24,000 (6.0 M)
- Figure 4.1-A(1)-3, Claim map of Quigley Hill area, showing generalized outcrops, veins, and underground workings, scale 1 inch = 1200 feet (202.0 K)
- Figure 4.1-A(1)-4, Sketch map of geochemical and geophysical survey of the Banjo and Jupiter-Mars prospects, scale 1 inch = 200 feet (147.0 K)
- Figure 4.1-A(2), Sample, claim, mineral deposit map of Stampede mining area, locally showing geology, scale 1:24,000 (2.7 M)
- Figure 4.1-A(2)-D(1), Map of patented claims, Stampede Mine, showing location and results of reconnaissance survey lines, scale 1:6,000 (137.0 K)
- Figure 4.1-A(2)-D(2), The Stampede Mine area, showing general position of underground workings and ore bodies, and sketch section Kobuk Lode, scale 1 inch = 200 feet (136.0 K)
- Figure 4.1-A(3), Geologic map of parts of the Chitsia mountain area, scale 1 inch = 2,000 feet (430.0 K)
- Figure 4.1-A(3)-B, Results of geochemical-geophysical survey (lines 1&2) southwest of Chitsia mountain (96.0 K)
- Figure 4.1-B, Geologic map of Greenback and nearby claims, Mt. McKinley National Park, Alaska, scale 1:6,000 (443.0 K)
- Figure 4.2-A(1), Geologic map of the northern part of the Chulitna Belt, scale 1 inch = 4000 feet (1.8 M)
- Figure 4.2-A(1)-C(1), Outcrop geologic map, Golden Zone mine, with overlays showing geochemistry and ground magnetics, scale 1 inch = 200 feet (284.0 K)
- Figure 4.2-A(1)-C(1), Geochemical overlay, scale 1 inch = 200 feet (251.0 K)
- Figure 4.2-A(1)-C(1), Magnetic overlay, scale 1 inch = 200 feet (236.0 K)
- Figure 4.2-A(1)-C(2), Composite plan view of Golden Zone mine showing drill holes and 100- and 200-ft levels, scale 1 inch = 40 feet (129.0 K)
- Figure 4.2-A(1)-C(3), Summary of main mineralized zones of Golden Zone mine shown in east-west section, scale 1 inch = 80 feet (127.0 K)
- Figure 4.2-A(1)-C(4), E-W (N86W) section through drill holes R1-R2-R3, Golden Zone mine, scale 1 inch = 40 feet (106.0 K)
- Figure 4.2-A(1)-C(5), Section through drill holes R2-R5-R6, Golden Zone mine, scale 1 inch = 40 feet (85.0 K)
- Figure 4.2-A(1)-C(6), Section through drill holes R2-R4, Golden Zone mine, scale 1 inch = 40 feet (96.0 K)
- Figure 4.2-A(2), Geologic and mineral deposit map of southern part of Chulitna Belt, scale 1:24,000 (2.0 M)
- Figure 4.2-A(2)-C, Map of Ready Cash area, Healy A-6 quadrangle, Alaska, showing sample locations, scale 1 inch = 400 feet (296.0 K)
- Figure 4.2-B(3), Geology and claims of the Cache Creek area, Yentna District, scale 1:24,000 (85.0 M)
- Figure 4.2-B(3)-A, Plan and magnetic section of the Nugget Bench Channel, Yentna District, scale 1 inch = 200 feet (106.0 K)
- Figure 4.2-C, Geologic and mineral deposits of the Boulder Creek - Tonzona area, scale 1:24,000 (958.0 K)
- Figure 4.2-C(3)-A(1), Sketch map of Jiles-Knudson prospect, Boulder Creek area, scale 1 inch = 50 feet (104.0 K)
- Figure 4.2-C(3)-A(2), Magnetometer and VLF-EM profiles of the Jiles-Knudson prospect, Boulder Creek area, scale 1 inch = 100 feet (72.0 K)
- Figure 5.1-3, Summary of coal reserves, part of Nenana field, scale 1 inch = 2 miles (508.0 K)
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