Stewart, A.K., Heinrich, C.E., and Hubbard, T.D., 2017, Dendrogeomorphic evidence of frequent mass movement using reaction wood in black spruce: Alaska Highway milepost 1267, Northway Junction, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Report of Investigation 2017-7, 18 p.
Alaska Highway Corridor; Alluvial; Alluvial Deposits; Alluvium; Analyses; Analyses and Sampling; Analytical Results; Chisana River; Climate; Dendrochronology; Engineering; Engineering Geology; Environmental; Erosion; Floodplain; Fluvial; Geochronology; Geologic; Geology; Geomorphology; Geotechnical; Hazards; Holocene; Ice; Interpretation; Land Subsidence; Landslide; Landslide Deposit; Methods; Northway Junction; Permafrost; Pipeline; Plants; Slope; Slope Instability Hazards; Soils; Surface; Surficial; Tetlin National Wildlife Refuge; Thaw Lakes; Thawing Permafrost; Vegetation; Wetlands