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Geologic Database of Information on Volcanoes in Alaska (GeoDIVA)

Bibliographic Reference

Cameron, C.E., Crass, S.W., and AVO Staff, eds., 2022, Geologic Database of Information on Volcanoes in Alaska (GeoDIVA): Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Digital Data Series 20, https://doi.org/10.14509/geodiva. https://doi.org/10.14509/30901

Publication Products


Active Volcanoes; Age Dates; Akutan Peak; Alagogshak; Aleutian Arc; Aleutian Islands; Aleutian Peninsula; Aleutian Range; Amak Island; Amchixtam Chaxsxii; Amukta Island; Analyses and Sampling; Analytical Lab Results; Analytical Results; Ash Cloud; Ashfall; Atka Island; Augustine Volcano; Basalt; Bibliography; Black Peak; Blue Mountain; Bobrof Volcano; Bogoslof Island; Buldir Volcano; Buzzard Creek; C14; Camille Cone; Capital Mountain; Carlisle Island; Chagulak Island; Chemistry; CIPW Norms; Coastal; Coastal and River; Colluvial Deposits; Colluvium; Correlation; Davidof Island; Debris Avalanche; Debris Flow; Debris Flow Deposit; Devils Desk; DGGS; Double Glacier; Duncan Canal; Emergency Preparedness; Emmons Lake; Environment; Eruption Cloud; Espenberg; Fisher Caldera; Folsoms Bluff; Fourpeaked Mountain; Frosty Peak; Gas Chemistry; Geochemical Data; Geochemistry; Geochronology; Geodatabase; Geologic Hazards; Geological Process; Geomorphology; geoscientificInformation; Geotechnical; Geothermal; Geothermometry; Gertrude Creek; Geyser; Glacier Flood; Glacier Outburst Flood; Gosling Cone; Great Sitkin Volcano; Groundwater Chemistry; Groundwater Contamination; Groundwater Emergence; Hayes Volcano; Hazards; Herbert Island; Historic Eruption; Holocene; Igneous; Igneous Rocks; Iliamna Volcano; Image Interpretation; Imuruk Lake; Ingakslugwat Hills; Ingrisarak Mountain; Instrumentation; Isanotski Peaks; Jumbo Dome; Kagamil Volcano; Kaguyak Crater; Kanaga Volcano; Kasatochi Island; Kejulik; Kialagvik; Kiska Volcano; Kochilagok Hill; Koniuji Island; Kookooligit Mountains; Kukak Volcano; Lab Methods; Little Sitkin Island; Lone Hill; Lost Jim Cone; Makushin Volcano; Morzhovoi; Mount Adagdak; Mount Chiginagak; Mount Churchill; Mount Cleveland; Mount Dana; Mount Denison; Mount Douglas; Mount Drum; Mount Dutton; Mount Edgecumbe; Mount Gareloi; Mount Gilbert; Mount Gordon; Mount Griggs; Mount Jarvis; Mount Katmai; Mount Kupreanof; Mount Mageik; Mount Martin; Mount Moffett; Mount Okmok; Mount Recheshnoi; Mount Sanford; Mount Sergief; Mount Spurr; Mount Steller; Mount Veniaminof; Mount Vsevidof; Mount Wrangell; Nelson Island; Novarupta; Nunivak Island; Pavlof Volcano; Pleistocene; Prindle Volcano; Pumice; Pyroclastic Density Current; Pyroclastic Fall; Pyroclastic Flow; Pyroclastic Surge; Pyroclastics; Radiocarbon Ages; Radiocarbon Dating; Redoubt Volcano; Reference Information; Remote Sensing; Rhyolite; Roundtop Mountain; Saint Paul Island; Sediment Gravity Flow; Seguam Island; Segula Peak; Seismic Interpretation; Semisopochnoi Island; Shishaldin Volcano; Skookum Creek; Snowy Mountain; Stepovak Bay; Suemez Island; Surface Water Chemistry; Table Top Mountain; Takawangha; Tana; Tanada Peak; Tanaga Volcano; Tectonics; Tephra; Tephrochronology; Tephrostratigraphy; Tertiary; The Gas Rocks; Tlevak Strait; Trader Mountain; Trident Volcano; Ukinrek Maars; Uliaga Island; Volcanic; Volcanic Arc; Volcanic Ash; Volcanic Eruption; Volcanic Gas; Volcanic Landslide; Volcanic Rocks; Volcaniclastic Deposits; Volcaniclastics; Volcanoes; Volcanology; Westdahl Peak; Wide Bay; Yantarni Volcano; Yunaska Island;

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